Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Another Great Week!

Hello Friends and Family!

We had a great week this week! We set a goal of how many lessons we wanted to see and made a steady progression each day. We got phone numbers from a potential who had been coming to the youth activities for a while and actually made it a goal to be baptized this year! We're going to meet with her Wednesday after Activities and see what she wants to do. It's been incredible that the Members have gotten hold of so many potential people before we did and all it takes is to ask our members for referrals. We truly had a great week and next week will be even better. Jesse wants to read the Book of Mormon first before he decides if this is something he wants to do. He's in Helaman 11 as of now which was farther than our first meeting with him and he's progressing! We're so excited to see him keep finding if this is true for himself. He came to church yesterday and participated in the Gospel Principles lesson on Repentance and said the closing prayer! We committed him to start thinking about a day to be baptized. We have another lesson with him this Friday. We're so excited.

It's really been a great week and this next one will be better. We started putting the pictures up on the wall for our members and are continuing to go out and contact more and more less actives. We went with a sister in the ward to go to homes of members she knows so we can catch them when they'll be home or help us figure out when a good time will be to contact them. I'm going to be following up with a member we met with last week to see when a good time to go and visit them will be. We're also going to contact a referral tonight with a member. They requested a missionary visit and we contacted them to set up an appointment. Nervous but excited. This area has been so centered on referrals and building trust with members. I've been learning so much and trying to do things differently than I have in my other areas. I love being here. It's definitely been trying but so rewarding as we're pushing ourselves and getting out and trying to contact more and more people. It's been wonderful. :)

Also, I get to go through the Temple on the 9th! I'm so excited!!!!! It's so so so pretty and I'm grateful that I have family names I get to take through. It'll be a first for me. I've taken others family names through like for Amanda Stokes when we went on our Senior Trip but I haven't taken my own names through. It'll be an incredible experience. I'm so looking forward to it. It'll be on the day I actually entered Indiana one year ago. CRAZY!!!! 6 months left. Holy Cow. So much has happened this last year. Let's see what happens these last 6 months shall we? :)

Sister Halverson

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