Friday, September 11, 2015

Temple Trip

Hello Friends and Family!

We've had a stellar week! We went to one of our outlying areas this week and were able to contact a referral that had requested a Book of Mormon. Our ward has been doing this Book of Mormon marking program that helps outline the main points of the Book of Mormon to give someone a baseline of where to start if the whole thing seems super daunting. It's been interesting to see where it goes and the verses that are highlighted. Sister Anderson had this marked copy and we gave it to the referral in Bloomingdale, IN which is one of our southern most cities. It was nice to be able to visit the town and also see where another member lived. We'll have to make appointments with these members and that is what we plan on doing on Weekly planning so we can have appointments and also visit with them. It's been wonderful. We've been trying to get out and talk to more people, nothing short of talking to the mechanics who had serviced our car before the Temple Open House.

We've been meeting with Jesse and he's seriously SO solid.  We've been working hard with Less Actives and the members in the ward and have been seeing the fruits pay off.  Like this Thursday for instance.  We've been working in the outlying areas and were able to get to the southern most part of our area and contacted people down there.  We're hoping to visit all of our Less Actives and Members on our ward roster which will be nice and a good way to get to put names to faces with the pictures we've been taking.  We're going on Tuesday to do it again and find more people on our list.  Hopefully we can meet with a girl who wants to learn more about the church and be baptized.  We're hoping the Spirit can soften her older sister's heart to let her meet with us.  She made it a goal to be baptized this year and we want to help her with it.  So hopefully we can do that and help our members get to the Temple too.  We have new and returning members we want to see starting to learn about the temple ordinances and how special they are to us.  :)  I have a family name from Great Grandpa Holmes side of our family and I'll be going through for her tomorrow (September 9th).  I'm so so so excited to be able to go and do that for her.  It'll be a special experience to say the least.  :)
We spent Sunday night in West Lafayette going to Why I Believe. It's been a LONG time since I went to one. And it was great. An Elder from Sao Paulo, Brazil bore his testimony of how he was converted and the blessings he's seen since being on his mission. It was inspiring. :) I learned a lot this week and I'm trying to improve. All in all we've done great things and have felt so much better about what we're doing and where we're going. :) All I have to worry about now is not getting sick as the leaves start to fall and Autumn comes in to play. :) Indy Falls are GORGEOUS!!!!!

Love you all!
Sister Halverson

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