Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fishers of Men!

Hello Friends and Family!
My week has been a whirlwind of crazy! Fishers is so much fun! Again, I've already learned so much and it's been about a week. I've also hit over a year. That's sad. I'm doing good! I've been pretty busy this past week! It's been nice. :) We've seen more miracles like putting people on date for baptism and seeing many members. I really hope we'll be able to keep them on date. They only have like 3 weeks before they move back to the Philippines. We had an elder from the Philippines and they'll be able to help teach his family when He moves back. It was so cool. :) Michal accepted the invitation to be baptized and has also been put on date for the 30th of October! It was so cool and the Spirit was so strong. We shared the message of the Restoration and asked if he had any questions. He is from the Philippines and has been searching for the truth. He's been to so many different churches and he likes this one. He went to the temple open house and loved it. We believe his father was with him in the temple the day he went. Both of his parents are less active members and he wants his family to be sealed. I've only met him twice (One of the times eating Balut....I would not recommend it.....EVER) and he's been reading the things we have given him. We're looking forward to him watching Conference and being baptized. It'll be my first baptism! I'm praying really hard for him to continue on this path.

The sisters have really been kind to me and have welcomed me here. I was nervous at first to be in a trio but they've been really good. :) We've been working hard and implementing ways to get out and do work. I've been getting SO MUCH BETTER at asking members and the people we teach for referrals. It's been wonderful. I needed the fresh start and so far SO GOOD! :D I still have things to improve on but I'm doing good and I'm going to continue doing the good that needs to happen here. :)
So Balut is a boiled duck egg with a 1 day old Chick still inside. Yes. I ate a boiled baby duck. :P But it's ok! A relationship is kind of worth it when it means we become friends and he can accept the Gospel and trust us! Michal likes to feed us weird stuff. Like last night. Gave us chicken hearts and other various organs... Woo. It wasn't terrible. Not my favorite but not terrible.
We also spent Saturday serving! We helped the boy scouts with a recycling project and spent time running the awards stand for the Special Olympics in Avon!!!!! It was so fun! The missionaries gathered with us and helped cheer on the players and they had tons of fun! It was sweet to see them light up when we gave them their medals! :)
I hope you all have a fun week and keep on keepin' on! I love and miss you!
Sister Halverson

Sister Munoz and I

Sister Munoz and Sister Thalman with me!  My new companions.

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