Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Temple Time!!!!

Hello Friends and Family!

We had a great week this week! Started Tuesday with a bang and had more lessons in a single day than we had in a while. It was great! We've been trying and trying and trying and that's something I'm super proud of. It's been a great week! I'm doing great! Jesse is awesome. He is progressing along so wonderfully. He's about to get to the good chapters in 3 Ne. Chapter 11! It's so cool to see how he's progressing and he's really open with concerns with the Clark family because they're the ones helping him to learn more without pushing him. He's doing great though! We're going to call Jim and Este tonight to set up an appointment. We haven't been able to get in contact with them in a while. It'll be nice to meet with her and Jim again. Crawfordsville is doing good. We're getting out and trying and working and making contact with people. We got out and tried yesterday which is more than we can say for other days. It's been a slow and steady progression. We're hoping we can meet and/or beat our goals this week to end things on a high note. It'll be really good for both us and Crawfordsville.

It's been a great week here and I'm going to continue working hard. I'm exited to see what happens with calls. I feel like I'm now more prepared than ever for whatever changes occur. It'll be great!

We also went to he Temple this last Wednesday!!! I got to do a family name from Mom's side and have been looking for her ever since in Familysearch. I'm so happy to have been able to provide my ancestor with the opportunity to accept the work done on their behalf. It felt like they were just waiting for it and was a big sigh of relief. I love the temple and doing work. I want so badly to become a worker when I get home. :) I'd love it.

Love and miss you all! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!!!

Sister Halverson

Same Shades - Mom sent these for us!

A Member's Backyard in Crawfordsville, IN

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