Monday, September 21, 2015

Transfers... :(

Hello Friends and Family!

Well. Bummer. We got the call and I'm not sure how to handle it. I literally cried all night Saturday and all morning Sunday. We had Stake Conference so that was interesting sitting there trying not to cry. It just about killed when we had to say goodbye to Jesse. We are both out of Crawfordsville. :( I'm so so so sad. I love it here and I'm not ready to leave. We've seen miracles here! Jesse is doing awesome. He's committed to finishing the Book of Mormon by Oct. 3! He wants to be baptized around Christmas so Courtney can be home for it. It's so cool! It'll be good.
This week was rather uneventful. We had Stake Conference. President Ellis is really cool. We heard great talks. Had dinner with the Samuelsens, they posted a video of Sister Anderson's birthday on Youtube. That was interesting hearing about that...
But it's going to be good. New area, new companion, new chance to learn and grow together. Make more friends. Enjoy the Fall Weather. Etc. :)
Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

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