Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We have a Temple!

Hello Friends and Family!

It was such a wonderful experience attending the Temple Dedication yesterday. I loved being able to hear from President Eyring and hearing the words for the dedication of the Temple. I'm so excited to be able to go to the temple again. Last time I went was in February. I'd love to go to the Indy Temple sometime soon. :) It's amazing to think that two years ago the ground was broken and now stands a beautiful House of the Lord. I love the Temple and all the Blessings it brings to families now and beyond the veil. It's amazing. I'm so excited to go through again. Especially for my ancestors.

This week we had a miracle lesson with our new investigator. Jesse has been dating a member for a while now and started reading the Book of Mormon in May. He's now in Helaman and is thinking about a baptismal date! We taught the Message of the Restoration to him with her family there to support and answer further questions. It was amazing. He has been finding this truth on his own and that's the important part.

We continue to feel the promptings of the Spirit telling us to visit members and to help strengthen the ward. We feel that the work will catch and we can see miracles pick up as they become more missionary minded and can then support each other better. We've seen miracles of the trust that is being built by them and have contacted several of the referrals they have given us and are in contact with the referrals from the Temple. It's amazing to see the relationships build between us and our members as we share thanks and love with them and serve them. It's been a wonderful learning experience. I'm glad we can do such meaningful work amongst the members in Crawfordsville. We've been contacting more of them and have been trying to establish our investigator pool through them because they have friends who are ready and waiting to hear the Gospel. And once they learn a little from their friends that's when we will step in. It's becoming member missionary work here. I love it. :)

It's been a good week. We had a rainstorm yesterday and we felt it wash away the old and can help us see tomorrow in a better light. It was great to stand in it for a sec and just laugh too. Also, I retired a pair of beat up shoes I wore for a long time tracting. It's a great feeling to see how worn they are from all the hard work. :) It's been a great year to say the least. Tons of growth and I have definitely been trained and have learned so much. It's crazy and weird but I'm excited to see these last 6 months through!
Much love! Have a great week!
Sister Halverson

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