Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Water Balloons in Rainstorms

Hello Friends and Family!
So...tomorrow I hit 5 months. O.O Weird! I'm almost 1/3 done! That's crazy! Time has flown by! I don't like it but at the same time, it's cold. Time for spring. :) Ok. Best news ever. Ready for it? THE TEMPLE WILL BE DEDICATED AUGUST 23, 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got chills just thinking about it!!!!!! I'm so excited for it to be completed!!!!! The open house will be in July and will end in August. I'm ridiculously stoked for this! The sisters will be able to work with the open house I think. Not sure but it'll be so fun!!!!!!!!!!
This week we haven't been doing the best personally but we are still working in our area. I've finally got my map!!!! :) So I'm going to sit down and draw out my "quadrants" that I love so much and work so well by. It'll be fun being able to put these lovely Children of God on the map to see how we can work better and use His time more effectively. :)
So nothing much to report on this week. We are working with a couple. Tim and Melissa. Tim is a member and Melissa is his wife who wants to be baptized. Tim wants to be able to confirm her and that is what makes their situation so unique. They don't have a car so they can't come to church. Everything will work out I know that. I've got the faith. Prayers never hurt either. :) They're so sweet and she's ready for it. It'll be awesome to see her come to church. :)
So we met with a less active 14 year old last night. She's crazy and rambunctious and very much an 8th grader. Manda this is where your expertise comes in! How would you address the situation? :) Laniaka. She's a crazy kid. She was trying to hit my umbrella with a water balloon from her apartment but missed. Then she missed again. And I moved my umbrella thinking she was all out. Nope! Hit my coat. I laughed too hard to care. I knew I should have worn my waterproof one! Haha :) It was funny.
I've become a lot closer with personal prayer. It's been good to see it's influence as I talk to my Father in Heaven. Studies have become more personal. So now I can turn them outward and have more questions for my investigators. It'll be fun to see the change come. :)
I hope you are all doing well! Thank you for keeping me in your prayers! I love you and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

New address:
Sister Alexandria Halverson
305 West 5th Street
Apartment C
Seymour, IN  47274

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