Monday, January 5, 2015


Hello Friends and Family!
Happy New Year!!! It's 2015!!! Holy! Where did last year go? Oh yeah, it went by in Indiana. :) Haha it's ok. I love it here! Right now it's sunny and clear. windy and 15 degrees outside but still pretty! We've been doing good today! Shopping for food and the normal preparation day stuff. Always love it when I can talk to everyone. :)

So! How was everyone's New Years? Ours was awesome! We got to stay out until 10:30 on New Years Eve! Sister Bulman and I were at the Stop 11 Chapel with the other Greenwood missionaries after we got Chili's for lunch until 10:30 pm and the next day we were there with the entire Zone and the Beech Grove missionaries for a while too. There were over 40 of us it seemed! So many missionaries. It's weird to see them in their natural environment when we can relax and goof off haha. :) We had tons of fun.
This week was really slow. A lot to do with over sleeping on naps. We've both been so tired after this holiday season we over sleep and have zero energy. So we got out late and are kinda struggling. We did however meet some new people! Toby is a referral from the Indy Spanish elders and Josh is a neighbor to one of the members in our ward! They both seem interested and we're going to try and set up appointments with them this week. Terry is doing good. We're hoping he will FINALLY come to church on Sunday now that our schedule is at 1. Not too sure how I feel about that haha. On the plus side it takes up most of our day and gives us a lot of church with ward council and sacrament meeting. On the down side, we get home around 5 which is right in the middle of prime proselyting time. I'm so torn! Haha. :) It'll be a new adventure that's for sure.
So other than that things are going great! I'm re-reading Do Not Attempt in Heels and I'm getting tons of good insights on how to keep myself going even when the going seems impossible. It's wonderful and has helped A LOT knowing that others have gone through the same exact problems and worries as me.
Also! Wanna know what I woke up to this morning??? ICE! Inside our house on the windows! :P No fun. I spent my morning cleaning that off and getting rid of all the nasty mildew that's been building up. We also have no blinds. So I'm going to talk to Elder Smithhart (The Office Senior Elder in charge of missionary housing) and see if we can get rid of a few things in our apartment, like the stained carpet, the old beat-up recliner loveseat, and the curtains. Well not totally get rid of those but put some blinds in.
Alma 34:17-27. Always have a a prayer in your heart. In all that we do let us have a prayer of thanks to God. :) I've seen prayer play a big role in my life out here. In everything I do, in all I am, everything revolves around prayer and asking God what He would have us do. I'm so greatful for the prayers said on my behalf, they do help. Also I'm thankful for prayer because I know it's what gets me going in the morning and sustains our work throughout the day. I love you all and I want you to know I pray for you too!
Love you and miss you!
Sister Halverson

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