Monday, January 12, 2015


Hello Friends and Family!
So this marks my 4 1/2 month mark and a coming transfer! We got the call and I'm being bounced out of Greenwood and into another area. No idea where yet. We aren't told until the day of transfers. I'm a little nervous but excited at the same time. It'll be good. I'll be sad to leave these members and the investigators I've come to know and love, but it'll be worth it to see what happens and see what I can do. There are 7 of us leaving this time and 12 staying. They'll get 8 missionaries because Elder Paskett went home two days before Christmas. So Elder Bus stop has been in a trio for the last 3 weeks.

We're working with a few investigators. We just got a new contact named Toby and he seems to be very interested. The Spanish missionaries referred him to us and they told us he loved the message! We also picked up a newish investigator named Miranda. We met her before but were never able to set up a return appointment until last Tuesday. We're teaching twins in a part-member family. It's been fun. We have a long way to go but I know that there are families here ready to come into His fold.

The missionaries here are good. They aren't terribly insane. Everything is kind of boring. Especially when you see us in our natural habitat at the chapel on Pre Day. Well, last week an elder kinda tweaked his knee and limped off the basket ball court but for the most part nothing gets too crazy. My camera decided to die last week. Got a new one though! A Canon Powershot! It's so cute! It's blue and I have a black and orange case! Gotta represent O-town somehow! ;) It's good. The missionaries give me flack for it but it doesn't bother me. :) Apparently my neighborhood (Crazy Neighbors on the east) is worse than Indianapolis. Lol.
This week has been good! It's weird to say goodbye to everyone. But I know I'll see them again someday. :) I've been out for almost 5 months! Time has flown! Where has it gone! 13 and 1/2 months left! Too fast! No likey! Gotta work harder now haha. :) I'm going to hit my new area running and just throw down into the work. It'll be good.
Alma 37:6-7 by small and simple means. Everything God does is by small and simple things. I hope you can find the small and simple things He does for you to help you move forward.
I love all of you! Miss you too!
Sister Halverson

Myself. Sister B. Elder Duve has the glasses. Elder Busath in the blue. Elder Havertz.
Sister Goodstein, Elders Diaz (Grey) and Rasmussen (Red)

Sister Astle and myself

Another beautiful sunset

One of the Davis Twinkles. (Twins.)

Elder Duve Painted a w on my Weber Shirt

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