Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seymour, Indiana

Hello Friends and Family!
Greetings from Seymour! I've been double transferred into the area and am Serving with Sister Hofheins from Orem, Utah. Out of the 6 missionaries in the Seymour and North Vernon areas, only one stayed. The rest of us have been transferred in. Two double transfers and one new Spanish elder. Crazy right?! Oh! And guess what?!?!?! Elder Busath is in the North Vernon ward too!!!!! He's my district leader!!! Crazy right?!?!?!?! We're in the same ward and serving together again! Well... Almost. He's 14 miles away in North Vernon. It's just the Spanish missionaries and us here in Seymour. We're in the southern most part of the mission as far as sisters can go actually. Our mission goes clear down to Linton and Bedford but sisters don't go there.
So! We have, Elder Porter, Elder Baird (Spanish) Elder Busath, Elder Owens, Sister Hofheins and myself. Baird, Owens, and Hofheins are from Orem. Busath is San Jose, China, and American Fork. He moved a lot as a kid. Porter is a Kaysville native. We have tons of fun! OH!!!!!!! Best. News. Ever!!!!!! Guess who is in my district??????
SISTER HOWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're together again! For the most part haha. She's with Sister Hathcock (All H's in this district) and they serve in the Columbus 4th ward. Sister Fenn is in our Zone too! So we get to reunite for the most part every P-day!!! Sister Smallcomb is in the Lafayette zone. :P Sad day. But I will see her again! One day! :) So excited.
We have no idea what's going on in this area. So we have our work cut out for us. :) I'm excited because I'm going to do a lot for this area. Need a newer/ bigger map to quadrant out the town, visit tons of people and invite everyone to do the 21 day challenge. Create a list of people to refer to us. Pray about it for 21 Days. God WILL let you know who we should meet with. It's pretty cool. We have lots of work to do!
Thursday we did service in Hope, IN and got to take home a BUNCH of free food after wards!!! All the missionaries got to take a lot of food home!!! It's so funny. Tons of frozen chicken, boxed food, and treats. Also a whole sack of potatoes for us!!! :) Yay! Mashed potatoes for days!!! So funny.

I'm ready to throw it down and get busy. Five months old this month! Crazy!!! Time really does fly by.  I'm almost 1/3 in to this!!! So weird!!!!!
Anywho! I love you all! I pray you're doing good and that everything is working out as you need it to. If not, RPP! Read. Ponder. Pray!
Love you!
Sister Halverson

Sister Hofheins is a scary driver!

Trunk full of food!

Sister Howard and I!

Elder Derek Nyman

Sister Hofheins and I.

Sister Hofheins relaxing after tracting.
Old abandoned high school gym.

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