Monday, February 2, 2015

Miracle At Church!

Hello Friends and Family!
This has been a crazy transfer! Already half way done! We had a miracle at church!!!!! Plus my hair is getting SOOOOOOO long! I'm super happy about that! :) We had some adventures this week.
On Monday we didn't have enough miles to go up to Columbus so instead we went with the Spaniards to North Vernon to hang out with Elders Busath and Owens. It was pretty fun. We had fun hanging out.

Tuesday morning Sister Hofheins and I had to drive up to Franklin, sniff, for exchanges. I miss it up there so much! Got to walk through the chapel a couple of times. It was nice being somewhere familiar again. We had exchanges all that day and Sister Goodstein and I saw MIRACLES. We taught 9 lessons and got to hang out. We made it so much fun! She didn't judge as we kind of had a party in the car and danced to some appropriate music. It was way fun.

Wednesday we had a mini Zone Conference with the Franklin and Columbus Zones in Franklin which is why we stayed over the Tuesday night. We had a really good training from President. Also, we're losing half of the missionaries currently here serving in the next 6 months. It's insane. So there will be lots of opportunities to get to know new people as they come in left and right. It'll be interesting. After the trainings we drove in a large missionary convoy to a Chinese Buffet and ate with the other missionaries. It was a lot of fun.
Thursday we actually did our weekly planning and got it all done. Shocking I know right? :)
Friday we did Family History and it was pretty cool! I think I found someone on my Dad's side to add to the tree! I'm not sure if it's correct or not. So I want everyone to get online and go to and if you know anything about our family, add it to the tree! The Spirit of Elijah is VERY important with the Temple being opened up in August. They want family names in there. But I think it'll be really cool to see the trees grow. I've already added my uncles and aunts and cousins to the best of my abilities but go and update it! :) Add more! Update the trees! It was so cool to see the one person who could or could not be a relative come up and match up! Go! DO! :) Ok that's my rant for the moment haha.
Saturday we met with a guy who wants to be taught more of the LDS faith so he can discover for himself. Also we met a man who was a referral from HQ and we went and talked to him and then shared with him the Book of Mormon! We asked if he'd come to church the next day and he said he'd think about it. Then we committed him to read the introduction and he told us he would and that we'd see him in the morning.
Sunday! He came to church!!!!!!!!! It was so cool to see him there! It was fast and testimony meeting but it was a GREAT meeting! I got up too haha. :) A little scary but hey it's worth it if I can help the Spirit help someone come a little closer. :)
That is my week! Go and do! And enjoy the things while you do it! Alma 26:16. Great scripture that I randomly opened up to last night. :) And the Patriots won??? Well then.... (No I did not watch. I just know who won.)
Love you all!
Sister Halverson

Sister Goodstein and I!

In the car!

Lunch after training

Me and Sister A! Ignore the curly Q.

The moment when.....ELDERS!

The Leaning Tower of Missionaries and Recent Converts. :)

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