Monday, February 23, 2015

6 Months and a Transfer Call

Hello Friends and Family!
How are things back home?! Work is going good here in Seymour! I'm being transferred out this coming Wednesday. No idea where to. We'll never know ahead of time. Only at transfer meeting haha. :) It'll be an adventure. So far I've been with a different companion every transfer since Sister Mckendrick. It's been quite the adventure and I now know the secret to packing! Send home stuff you're not going to use for a while and then get a tote to carry the rest. We should be fine from here on! :) No issues with transfers anymore! And it won't be like last transfer when I had to carry a million things. Just 4. :) Everything fits too! We'll figure out what to do with my bed spread and pillowcase. I'm not worried about it though. :) It'll be a fresh start and an exciting change. I'm looking forward to it!
We've seen some pretty cool miracles here in Seymour. We had a very full week of lessons this last week and have seen Matt make leaps and bounds with progress. He isn't reading which is not good but he wants to come to church and so do his kids. And we finally met Bobbie! We didn't know where she lived and she wouldn't answer our calls because she didn't know it was us. So we met her last week and we've had a lot of success with her. I'm excited for Sister Hofheins to see them progress.
I'm determined to see a baptism next transfer. Or in April at least. :) I think it'd be cool to see right before my halfway mark! So it's going to happen. :)
Weather has been insane here! As per usual actually. It decided to snow even more on Saturday and we were grounded. Didn't leave the apartment until 5! I made sure the house was cleaned top to bottom and I started packing. President wanted me to call him earlier in the week so I called him Friday night. He told us transfers right there so I packed almost everything right then and there. Saturday I finished everything as much as I could for the following days. Sunday they cancelled church... That was BIZARRE. Never had that happen in my life. EVER. And they have snow days here? What are those? Whenever we had tons of snow we still had school. We got sent home once because of the windstorm in November of 2011. My junior year in High School. That was about it though. Too weird... Kids have been out since last Monday. What's worse is I'm as far south as you can get in the mission for sisters. It's only North from here... More snow. More cold. More of everything haha. Hope this Norwegian bloodline of mine helps handle the cold haha. :)
Speaking of bloodlines, did you know I'm related to Amelia Earhart?? Funny how family history works! I'm also related to every single one of these elders and sisters in the Indiana Indianapolis Mission except those from foreign countries like Canada. Haha JK we have Brazilians and Asians too. They're great missionaries. Go and do family history! :) Fix it and take our ancestors to the temple! I love the temple. :)
Anyway! I hope you are doing great! Love you all!
Sister Halverson

District Meeting

Elder Busath

District meeting again! Sister Howard. Love this girl!

We had lunch at Chipotle!

Samantha Bayles decided to steal my boots

The Bayles Family

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