Monday, March 2, 2015

Squiggas and Jesus Music Boxes!!

Hello Friends and Family!
Greetings from Warsaw! I've been transferred up north almost to Michigan! It's really really cold here and already I'm wanting spring to arrive. It's awesome though! We, my new companion and I, have a really big apartment! There were once four sisters living there but now it's only the two of us. We still have the mattresses in the other room which I call the dressing room because that's where we go to get ready in the mornings. Sister Bradshaw is my new companion! She's from Beaver, UT and is totally awesome! She's super dedicated and wants to be out doing work. I'm no longer afraid of the word Tracting even though the first door is still always the hardest. Everyday is something new and we're just getting to work on doing the work. Totally needed from the last 6 months! Things have been interesting that's for sure! Speaking of...I'VE BEEN OUT 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we just think for a moment here? I'm 1/3 done!!! That is absolutlely BANANAS!!!!! I'm still reeling haha. I've got 1 year left... March 8, 2016 I'm coming home! Time flies! I don't want to wish it away but it's a reality! Crazy!
So the week started a little crazily with Church being cancelled last Sunday in Seymour. That was just weird. So we ent around and said our goodbyes to as many people as we could and managed to get out a lot of lessons and see lots of people. We had a great day!
Monday followed with normal preparation day things and we got to go up to Columbus to say goodbye to everyone. Four missionaries were leaving the Columbus zone. Not a whole ton, out of the 18 in the zone at least.
Tuesday we said more goodbyes, finished packing, and then Elder Busath and Elder Owens took mine and Elder Porter's stuff up to Columbus so the Zone Leaders could take it up to Fishers. I still had to finish packing my big purple suitcase and pack up my bedding. I've got a lot of things I need to send home... O.O
Wednesday was abolutely NUTS!!!!! And Dad guess what?! I FOUND JOHN MELLENCAMP'S HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's on Highway 11 right before the bridge leaving Seymour. Day=made haha. We left Seymour at 9 am to get up there on time at 10:30 am. If that gives you a clue as to how much driving we put in. Once we got there President started as usual. We all got transfered around, I'm up with Sister Bradshaw :), and then things got interesting. We have to close a ton of areas here because we're starting to send home more missionaries than are coming out. 25 went home. 12 came out. The Church Missionary Department wants all or almost all U.S. missions to level off at 200 missionaries. More and more are being sent out to foreign lands. Talk about hastening the work! The Franklin STL's were moved to Greenwood! Greenwood 1st ward. 7 areas closed completely and tons more were white washed. The elders moved in. Then he did something INSANE!!! He released Elder Capener as AP!!! We all thought he would die as AP but he was transfered down to IU! It was awesome. Everyone clapped because Elder Capener is just an epic missionary. It was cool. :) Then he called an Elder who never even saw it coming. Elder Hill was called and the look on his face was priceless! He and Elder Coles are going to be awesome. :) We all moved out after transfer meeting.
Thursday! Weekly planning! We got done in an hour and a half. That's record time. I got to work cleaning the apartment afterwards haha. The apartment has a lot of various junk and weird stuff like a Jesus music box that plays Nearer My God to Thee which sits proudly on my study desk. I got rid of a bunch of junk and we deep cleaned the apartment. It felt good. Still need to vaccum though and take out the remaining trash. We're going to have to make a big haul to Goodwill with all the junk in the closet. Lots of blankets and clothes some sisters didn't want anymore. Totally scored a Bears hoodie that is kindly being washed by a member in the ward who does our laundry. She's so sweet.
Friday and Saturday we went to work trying to find people to teach. Sunday we had another snow storm and the cars were grounded. We ended up playing card games after dinner at the Ward Mission Leader's house.
Also! They have BLACK SQUIRRELS here!!!!! What?!?!?! They call them...Squiggas. I'm pretty sure you can come up with the rest... Too funny.
Well that pretty much sums up my week! I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Love you tons!
Sister Halverson

Jesus Music Box


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