Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring is Kinda-Sorta-Not-Really Here!

Hello Friends and Family!
Spring is crazy weather with sunshine, snow, and tornado sirens. O.O Tis the season. Spring is always bad for Tornadoes. Too many days of cold and hot and insane. I'm doing good!
I don't have a lot of time this week to write so here is the low-down on my week:
Monday we played sand volleyball in Goshen! The Elders got creamed. :) haha
We went on exchanges on Thursday and got 3 new referrals! AND put one of our investigators on baptismal date! We're going to have to move it already because they won't come to church but I know I'm still going to see that April Baptism.
Saturday was sports night last night and we played chair soccer!  Super fun.

My Dad gave me some very sound advice this week that I wish to share:

"One of the principles that got stressed to me on my mission  over and over again is the principle of OBEDIENCE!!  And compliance with all that the Lord and our leaders ask us to do.  It was also stressed to us that we must become missionaries of excellence and that we should lead by example.  Remember that obedience is the first law of Heaven, the cornerstone upon which all righteousness rests and the road that all successful missionaries must travel if they truly want to serve our Heavenly Father.  In the 58th section of the D&C, the Lord gave this counsel: “…for this cause I have sent you, that you might be obedient and that your hearts might be prepared to bear testimony of the things which are to come.”

Be as good an example as you can be. The Church is true, you are called as an emissary of the Lord to bear that witness.  You will get the opportunity to bear that witness.  He has promised you that."

I am determined to be an emissary of the Lord and to bear that witness to all.  I am a better missionary this week because of my Dad's advice.  We will chat again next week.

Love you all,

Sister Halverson

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