Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hail on Sunday!

Hello Friends and Family!
This week had been just plain weird. Weather wise at least. From snow to sunshine, back to rain, then more snow, and sunshine, hail is thrown in there too, oh and can't forget the wind! -.- pick a season Indy! Mother nature thinks we've missed the crazy cold. Nope! This can only mean one thing... TORNADOES. There will be tornadoes and there will be tons of them with the weather fluctuating so rapidly. It's annoying. But we deal with it as best as we can! Hopefully we get some normal weather here soon and we can warm up!
This week we've seen lots of interesting things! From the squigga eating pizza to the 10 year old investigator deciding her own baptismal date (MAY 9TH!!!) to Women's General Broadcast! It's been crazy fun!
We're working hard with Kylie (another investigator) to see her to her baptismal date! Also we've been trying to find new investigators and helping the ones we have now to progress. A new church Easter video came out called "Because He Lives"! Check it out on Youtube or! It's great!
Anyone excited for conference?! I AM!!!!! I like to think that we're all connected when we can watch it! Me in Indy and you wherever you are! :) I'm so stoked to hear from our beloved prophet and the apostles!!!
This blog update is a little all over the place today! I'm doing great, working hard on doing what the Lord needs me to do and trying to decipher what this area needs to help people come closer to Christ. We're working hard to try and find a family as part of the 120 Miracles for this quarter (April, May and June). We want to see 120 baptisms in these months!
Anywho. Life is crazy and awesome and fast and I'm loving it!
Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

This is a field in Atwood, IN which is close to Warsaw, IN

A Squigga (black squirrel) eating pizza!

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