Tuesday, April 28, 2015

8 Months!

Hello Friends and Family!
Today I'm kind of frantically writing an email. A lot happened this week and I'm none too sure where to start! I guess for starters I'm 8 months old today!!! Crazy right? How am I? How's my area?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that answer your question? :) Things couldn't be better. It's a blast with my district. I could cry. Totally happy. I don't want to leave Warsaw EVER. Like, EVER. I could serve the last 10 months here and be 100% ok with that. We're seeing so many miracles it's ridiculous. We're out working hard. Teaching tons of appointments. Have 10 new gators and we're finding a bunch more. We have 3 progressing and hopefully will have all three on a date by week's end! I'm so so happy to be here with all of them and I don't want this district to be broken up. EVER. It's great! Everything is going great! Tracting is fun. Teaching is fun. Learning and studying and hanging out with the missioanries in my zone is fun! EVERYTHING is just...epic. :) So many people and so many new faces and so much Spirit it's a blast! Just aweosme!
I can't even spell I'm so excited to get it out! :) We had a really cool activity with the Stake on Saturday. Had a relief society activity that was about getting to know one another. Played human version of hungry hungry hippos. Totally fun.
Sorry this one is so short!!!!!
Love you!
Sister Halverson

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