Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter and Conference

Hello Friends and Family!
So, how was conference??? I loved being able to hear from our beloved Prophet and the Apostles. The other Authorities were amazing too and I loved the talks given! It seems the family was one of the central focuses for this years conference. I enjoyed that as well as had some really good notes. I'm looking forward to the next Conference this October to hear from them again! It's a blessing to be able to know of the will and plan God has for us and what He wants us to learn through the mouths of His servants. What an amazing Gospel we have!
Monday was so much fun!!! We gathered with the Goshen elders and had a Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler! Elder Day made it and it was sooo good! We had fun by the lake even though it was super duper windy. They had quite the adventure trying to start the fire. :) It was funny. But the end result was worth it! Definitely love spending time with others and just having fun. Got some great pictures of Elders T Rasmussen and Hansen trying to capture a duck! Too funny!
The rest of the week went by without too much action. We prepared for Conference and helped with what we could. Friday was Sister Bradshaw's birthday! We celebrated with a cake I had made the day previous (with whipped cream cheese frosting I made! totally proud of it lol) and the elders decorated the Relief Society room where we have our District meetings for her birthday. It was nice. Then we had some Peking Chinese food with #Mormanda (Amanda Pilz, a Recent Convert in the ward) and got ready for first Friday. Man, Friday was busy!!!
At First Friday, we set up a booth and shared the Ensign, New Era, and Friend magazines with the people of Warsaw. I was asked to do a radio interview so people could know what our booth was about. That's a tall order for me! I didn't know what to do so the ward mission leader did it. I have no idea what to do in that kind of situation! It was funny. They had a Frank Sinatra like singer who was there and he was awesome. Some couples danced to it. So cute! We had fun.
Saturday was conference! Totally loved it and the Navarros who let us stay all day with them. We made Jello Eggs and Easter Eggs and had fun.
Sunday we hid the Eggs for the little Navarro kids and Sister Navarro also gave us Easter Bunny Bags! It was fun.
I'm excited for transfers coming up this Wednesday! I'll be staying in Warsaw and preparing the Area for three new missionaries being transferred in! It'll be a fun new change and we're going to see many many miracles this transfer!
I hope all continues to go well and you've learned a lot from Conference!
Sister Halverson
Birthday cake for Sister Bradshaw

Birthday decorations for Sister Bradshaw

Sunset after the rain on Thursday
Sister Bradshaw and I


Dancing in the street

Decorating Easter Eggs



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