Monday, April 20, 2015


Hello Friends and Family!
Wow! This week in Warsaw has been INCREDIBLE!!!!! Oh man we've seen miracles left and right!!! It's been so cool! We've been committed to going out and finding about 2-3 hours DAILY and the efforts have paid off! President Cleveland is adamant that we find the Children of God who are searching for the Truth. I'm glad to say that I've gotten sun burnt from being out walking around all day! Nothing terrible haha. Just enough to show the work we've been doing. :)
Speaking of! We've had so many lessons this week! I know numbers don't really matter but we had like 25 ish lessons and have 5 new! Brandy is really sweet. She's a home health aide for Arty and we have an appointment with them this coming Tuesday. We were walking past the house and he waved to us and just came to the door and invited us in! It was cool! She started asking us all of these questions about what we do and we ended up sharing a message with her about Temples and how we can have families forever. It's so cool. I'm excited for her. We've been busy and things are going great. Summer is just around the corner which means we'll be PC ing at central park and helping people with yard work! Yay! Oh! And s'mores. It means s'mores. :)
We've been doing great things here. I'm so stoked about the work that's being done and that I'm a part of it.
President had a conference call with us on Wednesday and he had us commit to building our faith in the work and that he knows what we can do for this mission. President loves doing things that have never been done before. So we're doing things that have never been done before like praying for our faith to be strengthen in daily studies and throughout the day. I've seen my prayers be answered and my faith increased. I've also decided to start reading Preach My Gospel to help me better understand what it is I need to do as a missionary to be successful in helping other come to know Jesus Christ. It's amazing to see the transformations within us as well as within others. I've come to love Warsaw even more than I already did clear back in February when I got here and I really really don't want to leave. There's so much that needs to be done here. But I'm sure if I go at the end of the Transfer, I'll be ready and able to help the next area progress and get some hope pumped in. It'll be awesome. :)
This ward is the best. They're so willing to help with missionary work and we're going out with members more and more. We even went around with Sister Kelly the other day and she took us from one point of town to the other to talk to these wonderful people. It's become fun rather than scary haha. Well, still a little scary because I'm not sure who will be behind the door. But still really cool! :)

Monday! Played soccer in Elkhart. Got nailed in the head by the soccer ball. That was fun...
Tuesday! We went out and tracted and talked to Brooke who is making more commitments and is coming closer to baptism! We tracted around Warsaw for a while and saw a ton of people!

Wednesday! Did family history at the library! So WAY TO GO FAMILY! There are more connections that have been made and I was able to trace it back clear into the 100s!!! How cool is that! I'm sure there are more lines that go back even farther! I'm excited to trace them and also make sure that they're correct!

Thursday was weekly planning! As per usual haha. We still went out and tracted a ton! Helped Sister Kelly with her indexing and had dinner with her. It was really good! She made the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits and this amazing soup! It didn't agree too well with my stomach that night, but it was still good!

Friday we had district meeting and the elders went on a double exchange. Elder Conradt (one of the Zone Leaders) came down with Elder Blood (Elkhart Spanish Speaking) and then they split up with the Warsaw Elders. It was interesting. But fun! We played Ninja down by the beach and had a picnic in Central Park. Enjoyed a beautifully sunny day!

Saturday we went with Sister Kelly for the day and she drove us around Warsaw and we saw a couple of people we met before. No new investigators but it was still nice seeing them! Also had sports night!

Sunday was Sunday! I always love going to church. As well as spending time in the rain walking through town! It poured. And is still raining today. It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days. :( Then it will get super humid before it evens out again. Fun times!
Well that's it for my week! We're going to play a bit more soccer and hopefully no one (Me) will get hit with the ball again!
Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

Roasting marshmallows!

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