Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Temple Trip!!!!!

Hello Friends and Family!!!
Exciting news!!! I went to the Temple on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!! IT was so nice! We went down with Sister Ollmann who works in the Louisville Temple. It was quite the blessing. So grateful I had my Temple clothes! As well as Sister Kerby letting us do names for her. It was so cool. We had fun. The feelings from being in the temple were so nice. Such peace and the Spirit was so strong. I'm blessed to be able to go. I have to wait 6 months now before I can go again... but it's ok. :) The Indy temple will be done in 6 months! Well, dedicated at least. It'll be done in July. :) I'm so excited for it. :)
We've had many a miracle this week. We had a lot of lessons and met TONS of potentials. Now it's just up to us to whittle down to the A gators. It's a lot of hard work but we feel Seymour is filled with gold nuggets.
Monday we had fun in North Vernon. We haven't been able to go to Columbus for 4 weeks now due to miles. We have to go clear up to Greenwood on Thursday for Zone Conference. I get to go back to my stomping grounds!! :) Lol here we call your first area your "birthplace". So I get to go to my birthplace! :) So excited to see everyone there in the Stake center again. :) We're going to play basket ball... I'm not much for sports other than swimming. You know me and my lack of hand eye coordination/arm strength. It should be interesting. We have a lot of role playing to do. As awkward as it is, we need to do it before Thursday comes otherwise it will be a face full of awkward. Especially role playing with Pres if we're so lucky. Scared out of my mind. O.O Oh well. C'est la vie.
Tuesday we met Brenda! The sisters taught her since Thanksgiving and her daughter has been sealed in the Temple. She wants to be able to know what's going on for her Grandson since she is the only nonmember. For now.. ;) haha not to be cocky. But I know she will be baptized. Sometime down the line. We're going to try and meet with her sometime soon again.
Wednesday was much of the same. Scripture study class, trying out referrals, MCM, and dinner with the sick Elder Busstop and Elder Owens who wasn't sick. We went to Wendy's. It was really good. :)
Thursday = Weekly Planning! All of our lessons actually worked as planned! And unplanned but hey! They still worked! :) Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. :)
Friday! Best day ever! Temple trip!!! We worked really hard before we left and we left at 4. So we made the 6 o'clock session. It was amazing. After the Temple Sister Ollmann took us out for Dairy Queen treats. It was fun. :)
Saturday. Had a lesson at 10:30. Walk in and what do we find? J Dubs. Jehovah's Witness' with our investigator. I'm really hoping he's not an eternigator. Also, we may have gotten the younger boy excommunicated..... He took an Indy Temple Card. Oops... This was the day we saw miracles. Lots of lessons in one hour, lots of contacts, lots of potentials. It was so cool. :)
Sunday was nice. I wasn't feeling too well but we did a lot of work with the WML and got everything taken care of for the new rosters we received. We came home and I took a nap for about three hours... I felt much better though and we saw miracles! It was cool. Talked to our neighbors and taught two lessons and they could potentially want to learn more! It's cool! :)
Well that's my week in a nut shell. We had some adventures and some really cool experiences. I hope you are doing well and looking up names for the family tree! We're all part of one big one so it helps to get the info right. :) Love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Halverson

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