Monday, September 29, 2014

A Month Gone By So Quickly

Hello Friends and Family!!!
Has it really been a month?! It seems like yesterday that I just got here! Crazy! Time flies when you're working the Lord's Vineyard. We've had a slower week this week. Mainly because we had Mission Conference on Tuesday with Elder Perkins of the Seventy. He and his wife came and spoke to us on having questions in meetings and not calling meetings meetings. They are now called Revelatory Experiences. Meetings is such a dreary word. Haha. So! Other than that things are good! Our investigators are asking a ton of questions about the priesthood and I consider myself very lucky to have elders in my area to explain more to me. I mean I know about it but there's always more to learn.
The Gospel Principles book has become my new best friend. I look to that book side by side with the scriptures. It has a lot of insights and gives me more to add to my arsenal so I can be prepared to answer the hard questions. Love it!
So as we were tracting this week, Sister McKendrick and I were walking across the way to another house. I saw something on the ground and thought it was a pinecone. NOPE! Not a pinecone. It was a rabbit's torso. O.O Just the bones at least. It went "crunch" and I was too grossed out to look down. Sister McKendrick just looked at me and we both kind of squirmed/screeched. Coyotes live in the area apparently and lots of little dogs go missing. Sad but it was so funny. 
We have a whopping total of like 13 investigators! Many of them are in families but that's even better! We have a focus on finding families to teach and baptize. The mission wants a goal of 400 by December and we have 250+ so far! Awesome. :)
We share a car with the elders which is weird but it works. We have hardly any miles left because we are only allotted a certain amount each month and someone *cough* the elders *cough* used them up. So out of 1225 we are left with 15 for the next two days. Luckily our zone leaders are awesome and helped us get 50 more until Wednesday. Which is awesome! Now we can actually drive!

Out of everything that has happened this week Women's Conference really stood out to me. We heard from some pretty amazing women and the conference was centered around the temple and the things we can obtain from doing work. I would like to challenge all of you to find at least one name and do the work for them. It's IMPERATIVE we do work for those on the other side. Everyone deserves a chance to fly. :) Also, God wouldn't give us these beautiful buildings if He didn't want us to do the work. He loves us so much so that we have temples. Love them! We're trying to get a recently converted family into Family History work and getting them to the temple. Sister Davis wants to do the work for her mother. :)

We've been given many challenges this week and I want to give my family and friends some challenges too. :) If you know what a church tour is, go on one! It's really cool to be taught by the missionaries! It's cool for me to give one! Listen/watch General Conference with questions that you want answered. Pray about them. Write them down. And listen! :) Pray for someone to refer them to the missionaries. We LIVE off of referrals. Plus not to mention, it keeps us from tracting. They don't like us to tract as often. They want us to have appointments and be busy. I know it's a lot of challenges but you don't have to do all of them. Pick a couple that really stand out to you and work on them this week. As for the names challenge, please do this one. Out of all of the ones I've given you please do this one. It'll not only bless you for being in the House of the Lord but will bless them with the opportunity to accept the work.
Thank you all for writing me!!!!! I know I don't get to write back very often individually and so far haven't been able to but I truly appreciate it! It makes me want to go out and work harder! I WILL write back eventually! I'm determined! I love you all so much!
Things are great other wise! House is clean, we have GOOD groceries, and are busy at work. I love you all!!!
Sister Halverson

Inspiration Wall

The Washing Machine of DOOM! Sounds like a freight train.

I love to receive surprise boxes in the mail! 

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