Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference Weekend

Hello Friends and Family!
What did you think of conference? It was weird watching it from here, but cool too! What did y'all think of the different languages? That was unexpected. It was way cool though! We were able to get one of our investigators to conference with us on Sunday morning at the Chapel. Her name is Needa and she's super sweet. We are going to try and get her on a date this week. Fun!
This week was a blur. We had so much to do. I had my first transfer this week! That was a blast! I went with Sister Vidmar down in Franklin and we had tons of fun! She's so funny. I told her all about our crazy adventures in Greenwood. She's super crazy and awesome and I hope I'm called as Sister Training Leader sometime on my mission even though it's a lot of hard work. It would be cool to work with so many sisters and be trusted with this kind of calling. I'm excited to get things going and really get past the first twelve weeks of training. Then the fun can begin. I'll probably be in Greenwood for another three months after training. I might even be training. O.O Sister McKendrick is leaving in two months. :( Sad day! Don't want to think about it.
I just realized I never told y'all about Greenwood! It's green. and there are lots of trees. :) A very fitting name if you ask me haha. The people here are humble and very kind. A lot are set in their ways of thinking, teaching and preaching. There are many churches here but where Utah has a Mormon church on every corner, here it's every church BUT Mormon. It's pretty funny. The weather is starting to get cold. The leaves are changing and falling. Winter is upon us. Not ready for it. It's projected that this winter will be worse than last year. Fun fun fun.

The members here apparently love chili. We've had it like 4 times this week alone. It's so good! However we're kind of getting sick from chili. Awful. Oh well. Beggars can't be choosers. :)  But with the cold coming in, it's nice to have a warm meal and a family to share the gospel with. It's a blessing that's for sure.
Sorry to cut it short! But we must get back to work. :) The work is good. The people are better. And the Lord is the best. Love you all!
Sister Halverson

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