Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Months!

Hello Friends and Family!
It's already been two months??? It feels like it's been years! Haha. :) So I've been in the mission field for two months. Sweet! It doesn't seem like that much time but the fact that it's flown by so quickly is incredible! It seems like yesterday I was a new little missionary. It still feels like that with transfers out of the way, but I'm beginning to get the ropes.
Ok so basically everything got changed around this transfer. We have a whole new leadership for our zone and district. Out of 20 Missionaries in our zone, all but 7 were transferred out. Crazy right? President did a ton of switches and changes and opened new areas. He pink-washed some areas (opened it up to sisters) and has released a lot of the Sister Training Leaders and Zone Leaders. It's weird. It's like as soon as this new transfer came in everything goes crazy. In my area (Greenwood 2nd) we have a new elder! Elder Clayton was moved to Linton, IN (middle of nowhere) and now we have Elder Busath. (B-yew-saith). He actually came out with Elder Clayton.
This week we had a lot of learning to do. I've been trying to go through this book we have called the First 12 Weeks meant for missionary training and go back and do things because we've been really behind in it. Apparently being behind is a good thing but it drives me crazy. So I'm going through the stuff that we missed or skipped to make sure I have everything and it's giving me a way to understand how I can teach it to a new missionary should I ever train. I'm also having a goal of going through my PMG every day to read a little in order, as well as looking up chapters specifically to try and get a better understanding of it. So far so great! It's helping me understand the doctrine I'm teaching! :)
We do these things call Gems each morning where we take something from personal study that stood out to us and share it. Then we break in to comp study and role plays. We practice how we would give a 5 minute lesson, give a church tour (Which we have later tonight for FHE!), and lots of other things like Personal Contacting, Tracting, or other various activities. We get an extra hour of study since I'm a new missionary. If it was up to me, I'd do a ton of personal study. It's so...interesting. But It's not up to me so I do what I can and enjoy while it lasts. :)
We are getting a new car! Well, new to us at least. The elders will get their own and so will we! It's a big relief. Kinda sad that we won't get to carpool anymore. But whatever. We will still see them at dinner appointments.
We're making break-throughs with our Spanish investigators! They've agreed to come on a church tour! So exciting! They're super cool and very very smart. Mr. Sanchez is very smart and knows the Bible. And he wants Biblical answers about the Church. We're doing the best we can and we even have Spanish speakers in the ward to help. My Spanish is nowhere near theirs but I'm learning.
We're meeting lots of people and working hard with members. All is well! It's about to cool down next week. I'm sure we're going to get snow soon. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last year's was. Never know! It's like Utah. Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes. It's always changing.
I love you all lots!
John 13:15 is my Gem for the day!
Sister Halverson

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