Saturday, October 25, 2014

Transfer Week!

Hello Friends and Family!
This week we are having transfers! Which means a lot of missionaries are leaving and even more are coming in! Crazy!!! Luckily I'll be in Greenwood until December and then for a little bit longer after that (She said hopefully).  We should be getting to Stop 11 Chapel (The stake center in Greenwood) early and I'm going to pound out some well needed letters. I've got, like, 20 I need to get out. I'll see how many I can get out today.
This week we had lots of miracles!  It was off to a rocky start but we finished it with tons of miracles.  We have really tried to work with members to get referrals and we had some pretty fun conversations.  There is this one lady in our ward named Amanda Peterson.  She's a recent convert.  (If they've been baptized within the last year they are called recent converts) and she's super spiritual. She has been so kind to come with us on a church tour with one of our investigators. He (the investigator) is really cool and definitely has faith. We're now just trying to see how deep his understanding is of what we're asking him to do. We've been fed by lots of great families. And we usually eat dinner with one of the members in our ward. 
So on Thursday we followed a prompting to deliver thank you notes to some of the families who have helped us. We went to the Relief Society President's home and we were able to help a little. She had to have emergency surgery and had her gallbladder removed. :( No fun. Then we met with a woman named Jo Jo and she seems interested. We have an appointment with her tomorrow. :) She's super down to earth.  Then we went and served a family in our ward whose daughter had to come home early from her mission due to severe depression. :( It was sad. So we cleaned her kitchen for her and we'll hopefully be able to take Liesel out with us on splits so she can transition better. It was hard to see her on Sunday. She's such a sweet girl. I pray she can go back out in the field. Her brother is serving in Africa! Crazy!  And from what Sister Jackson says (the mom) the ebola outbreak hasn't even touched the country he's in.
We've been working hard with members and now this week we are going to try and contact some teenagers we ran into. They seem super open and I've got them on my prayer list. I know Heavenly Father is going to help us out. We have been so blessed with all these contacts we have and I know it is because of the "finding fast" everyone did for us.  Thanks to all who did this.  Fasting really works!
I've also gone through a whole planner! Crazy! We decorate them each transfer. This one I have now is green and has cut outs from some pass along cards with I'm a Mormon on the front. 

Ogden will be receiving an Elder from my area! His name is Jake Weston.  Elder Weston will be in Utah around the end of November beginning of December.
We went to a Mexican restaurant on Friday with missionaries from our zone and the Zone leaders. So good! There are also lots of places called Steak and Shake everywhere. The burgers are to DIE for! So good!
We were able to go see Meet The Mormons.  President Cleveland was able to have a private screening for all the missionaries the day before it hit theaters here in Carmel.   The Church was very specific as to where the movies were allowed to be played. So it was only in Carmel.  We were all able to see it.  If you have not yet seen it, make sure you go.  The show is absolutely incredible.

Thank you for all the packages!!!!!  I got my boots, the bountiful box, and those awesome shoe covers!  They were a hit when I showed them to the other missionaries. 

Love you all!
Sister Halverson

Shoe covers for wet weather!

All my packages.  Love them!

Elders Lorsch and Clayton

I call this the Butter Face

My District

Me with Sister M

Sister "M" has a bulging disc in her back.  This helps?!?

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