Monday, September 22, 2014

Week Two In Indiana


This week has been so awesome! We have an investigator on date for baptism! And we kinda blew the standard of excellence out of the water. Our district was super happy/shocked to hear the work that's been going on. And boy do we have a lot of work to be done! We are teaching several families and many people. It's exciting to feel the Spirit so strongly and guide us. The other day we were trying to visit an investigator from the previous elders and I saw this guy walking down the street. I had a feeling that said to give him a Book of Mormon. I wasn't sure what to do then it said we'll get him next time. Well the next time came sooner than I thought! Sister McKendrick does the driving because she's senior companion and went around the block when this investigator didn't answer. I saw the guy again and made her stop. The feeling was so strong! It said GIVE HIM A BOOK OF MORMON!!! So I made her roll down the window and ask if he wanted one! Haha the look on her face was priceless! Needless to say he accepted. Haven't heard much from him since but we planted the seed anyway.
Other than that we've been pretty busy. We have to share a car with the elders in our area and we only have a certain number of miles we can go. The elders have been racking up the miles pretty quickly and our stipend is down to 15 miles a day. We corrected it yesterday by not even using the car. So now it's up to 20 miles a day. We have lots of kind members in our ward and they feed us almost every night. It's nice to get to know them and learn more of how the Spirit works in our lessons. We love church too! Plus I found out that one of my friends from mission prep is companions with the daughter of one of the ladies in my ward! It was so cool when we found out!

Justin! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This is the most exciting yet aggravating time ever! It's a long wait but it's worth it! Read your scriptures, buy a Preach My Gospel, and get involved with missionary work now! You'll be thankful you did. I didn't very much and regret it. It's cool to see full time missionaries at work and to be with them when it happens. So go on splits with the elders! Challenge your friends who aren't members to read the Book of Mormon or to take the discussions or to go on a church tour! Get involved!!! And then your transition won't be so hard. I mean you'll still have to learn Spanish but that will come to you. I have to learn and I'm not even on a Spanish speaking mission. We've got Portuguese AND Spanish families here! Thank goodness for French class too! So congrats again and let me know how you're doing so I can help you! Oh! And the Missionary Portal will be your best friend and worst enemy. Do the activities before you head into the MTC but don't go on it to only look at the count down. No Bueno.
So! I think that's about it for this week! Finally got to vacuum and we're continuing to make it feel like home!
To answer some questions!
1. The weather here is fabulous! Not humid at all. Maybe because it's fall but it's still not humid. We've had storms the past couple weeks on and off. Lots of cloud cover. Sunrises are GORGEOUS! I'll have to get pictures.
2. I get along with my companion wonderfully! Some days are bad personally but I find ways to make them good and let go of whatever is frustrating or irritating me.
3. I feel a lot more settled in. My suitcases are put away and we're getting into a routine which is nice.
4. I'm doing just fine!!! Not gonna lie. There are days where it's difficult and all I want to do is go home to the apartment and stay in. But we keep going and laugh off the struggles. Yesterday was super windy! And we were wearing flowy skirts. The wind only blew mine around but Sister McKendrick wasn't so lucky. We laughed ourselves silly.
I love you all!
Sister Halverson
P.S. Get used to calling everyone Elder and Hermana Justin! Including yourself! :)

MTC District

The Indianapolis, Indiana Temple

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