Friday, September 19, 2014

First Week In Indiana

This week has been amazing! Lots of miracles and tender mercies. We've met with so many amazing people like our district and zone and families in this area. We are working hard to give them everything they need and teach them as best as we can and let the Spirit do the rest. We've seen a couple agree to be baptized already! We just need to keep teaching them and set a date. It's great they are such sweet, humble people. But I've quickly come to learn that people are mean. And rude. But they have their choice and that's fine. Heavenly Father has His hand in everything. 

We are the first sisters in this ward in EIGHT YEARS!!!!!  You can tell too because our apartment needs a lot of work.  I'm doing my best to clean it but we have limited supplies and not a ton of time.  Like no time at all actually.  So we make do and do what we can.  The ward members love to feed us!!!  We get such good food and they really like having sisters.  It's a novelty to them I guess because they haven't had any for a long time.

My companion's name is Sister McKendrick.  She's been out for 15 months and will "die" in this area.  (I don't like some of these mission terms.)  And according to the other missionaries I'm going to "Kill" her or send her off.  ( likely!)  So all in all things have been great and we've been off to a good start.    Hit the ground running.

So these are some of the thing that happened this week which is a lot better than last week.  I love all of you!  I'm getting pictures but I'm having a hard time remembering my camera.  :( Mom I'll send it home soon so you can upload.

I love you all!  Have a great week!

-Sister Halverson

Picture of my companion, Sister McKendrick

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