Tuesday, July 28, 2015

That Moment When You Turn 20

Hello Friends and Family!
Um... Can we talk about this for a sec here? I mean I'm glad I'll be forever out of the Teens and we are never ever ever getting back together, like ever. But STILL! I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling Twenty. It's weird. Just a bunch of blank space and I ain't about that style man. Lol sorry bout that. I had to get it out of my system. I've been on a T Swizzle rampage and I can't seem to shake it off. Lol ok NOW I'm done. Maybe.... Anyways, other than the fact that I miss music other than Christian stuff, I'm turning 20 this week. And a month from today I hit my year mark. WHERE IS THE TIME GOING PEOPLE?!?!?!? Anyway.

We had a pretty good week this week! We were able to teach a lot of people at the Temple as well as help get our Ward Council on track with our plans to help this area. They'll get us a map of our ward boundaries with points for everyone who lives in it and then we're going to go out and help them and they'll help us as we go and contact these members! It's been way cool praying about it and planning it as we've been helping in the Temple. The Spirit is so so strong and the people are so sweet. I spent some time with a tour guide while the hallway at the temple was backed up and we talked to the group about to leave. It was funny hearing how small our world is especially in the Church. We had fun though and the Spirit was definitely there. :) We had a great time even though we worked all day Saturday and enjoyed being so close to so many sisters and so many people excited about seeing the House of the Lord.

It was a pretty good week. We're on the mend and have been working on the little things we can do and being the best we can be given the time we have and the little things we do for this area. I'm excited to see what happens next transfer. Time is literally flying and I want to make the best of it at this point in time. It's been great to be serving in Crawfordsville and personally I would love to be here for a while whether it's with a new companion, Sister Anderson, or even training a new missionary. Whatever happens I'm excited to see this line of work get underway and take off. It'll be an adventure. :) I would love to train haha. It would be fun. Especially because we have a fun zone and amazing district. The elders have helped us so much and we feel like we can trust them tremendously. It's been great to have such amazing unity and have so much fun with them at zone meetings and district meetings. I would love to be here for a while with them but again, whatever happens happens. It'll be a great thing and this area needs it.
We do have a miracle this week! The sisters here before me gave a temple card to a random couple when they were tracting one day and the couple CAME to the temple! We didn't meet up with them again but the Sisters in the reception Tent told us about it and we were all like, "THOSE CARDS ACTUALLY WORK?!?!?" So it was amazing! I hope we can meet them again soon and actually help them progress! We have an idea as to who it is so hopefully Sister Anderson will remember! That would be the coolest thing ever! We're hoping it will work and praying for a miracle in Crawfordsville. :) I'm excited for this area. It's a different line of work we're doing and I'm STOKED to see what happens next!

Sister Halverson

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