Sunday, July 19, 2015

Temples and Tornadoes

Hello Friends and Family!

Well, we out ran quite the storm this morning on the way to email. We left our apartment to go to the church to make some schedule changes for our meal calendar when we found ourselves staring face to face with the scariest cloud I've ever seen. We kept driving thinking nothing of it when underneath became scarier. It was dark blue and rolling. So we decided to forgo our plans and headed right to the library to email. Turns out the area is supposed to have severe thunderstorms including tornadoes running through it. We're safe and the Lord is definitely looking out for us. :)

It was incredible going through the temple yesterday! I loved being able to go and being with our investigators Jim and Este. We had quite the miracle with them the other day too. The whole day we tried and tried to contact people and everything kept falling through. I had the feeling to go and visit them so we did. It was my first time meeting them and I was so happy to get to know them. We invited them to the temple for yesterday and we received a kind little miracle after a really hard day of no one being home. We were thankful that we had listened to the prompting and they were so excited to come. They had a great experience and we're excited to meet with them again. :)

We feel prompted to do a different kind of finding. Our area is at a point where we need to do a lot of work with the members. A 15 pg roster with only a quarter or less active. So we feel prompted to work strongly on finding and activating this area. If they aren't home, immediate back up is to 2-2-5 or tract their street. It's just something we feel is best for Crawfordsville at this time because everything else with our investigators is coming to a standstill. And so many members are part-member families. They have friends who are ready and waiting as well. We're looking forward to this and want to work really hard on finding this way. :)

Zone meeting was awesome as was being able to go to training last Wednesday. :) I'm really looking forward to serving here and doing a lot of work! Minus the tornadoes of course. :)
So that's my week in a nut shell. Still working hard. Still trying to at least. :) Haha Hope you have a great week! Love you!

Sister Halverson

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