Thursday, December 17, 2015

Transfer Time Is Here Again

Hello Friends and Family!

Wow. This transfer ZOOMED by. I'm so not looking forward to the last two but it'll be good. I've only got 2 more left. Can you believe that? 12 weeks! Not thinking about it. :) Hahaha.

This week was hard. We still pushed for those lessons. Only one door opened to us and we shared the "A Savior is Born" card and she loved it! No interest in learning more but it was a heart softener. Well, like my Title, I'm being transferred! No idea where to! Hopefully up north! That would be AMAZING!!!!! I loved Elkhart. I would love to go back to that Zone. :) I'm sad to leave Fishers and had a hard time saying goodbye to some of the members yesterday. They really opened up to us and we saw miracles. I made my goal. I got 20 lessons every week except the one. That was incredible. I'm going to rock it in my next area.

I'm so excited for Sister Eralie to take care of this area. She and I have set up goals and plans and she's taking off. It's awesome to watch her go. She's such a great missionary and loves to teach. She's fearless and fabulous and would be a great trainer. We both love to work and that's something that I've valued with her being my companion.

It was so much fun in Fishers. I feel like we were able to see miracles as well as see the ward turn around. They opened up to us and we've been given assignments by the Bishop. It was inspired by Elder Nash to talk about how to help the Bishop. That's what we've been doing this entire transfer! He gave us an assignment that we've been plugging away at and it's been great to see that trust being built. I'm so grateful for the time I got to spend here in Fishers and I'm so looking forward to tomorrow too. It'll be interesting that's for sure. :)

I love you all! Hope your week is wonderful!

Sister Halverson

Last picture with Sister Eralie before transfer

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