Wednesday, December 23, 2015

This is the Place!

Hello Friends and Family!

I've found Zion!!! Haha. :) I'm here in the lovely Zionsville with Sister Simmons from Alpine, UT. :) We've had so much fun together and have seen MIRACLES!!!! Within the first 5 days we found a new investigator and have made contact with the Branch Mission Leader and Relief Society President. Branch President Hansen is really busy so we understand why we haven't met with him yet. We're still planning on meeting with him. We have been involved in so much so fast and we're loving it.

We found a family!!!! OF 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're praying for them to have a soft heart and it was incredible how we met them. We tracted into Kelly (the Dad) and met one of his daughters. He invited us in with his wife upstairs and we shared A Savior is Born card. He loved it and invited us to come back. We set up an appointment for the next night but they were busy with a dinner party. We met the wife though! And two more of his girls! She said to come back tonight around 5 pm and we're going to go back with a member from the Branch! We've had such great blessings and we're praying this lesson goes well! I'm so so so excited for the work that we're doing here in Zionsville. I love this place. :)

It's been so great and I can't wait for this area to explode with all the work we're planning. :) There's another investigator named Nicole who wants to be baptized and we're going to help her and her daughter come to be baptized. We want to share with the the Book of Mormon and strengthen her testimony of it's truth and divinity. We've been able to get so close to them within literally 24 hours. We've been able to build that relationship up and she invited us over for Christmas Eve AND Day! It's been a blast being around her and seeing the kind giving heart she has. She's been in a terrible Semi Accident and has been able to recover the best she possibly can from that. It's still a struggle for her but she's a true example of Christ-Like Hope and Love.

I love Sister Neuton! She's so sweet. We want to help her build a testimony of the Church and of the Book of Mormon. She's very close to the Spirit and loves to pray and fast. She's so close to Heavenly Father. We want to see her come to church. This first week flew by. I can't wait to get to work now that we have a vision and a plan. I love Sister Simmons and we have SO MUCH FUN! She and I just want to work and have fun while doing it and working hard with members. :) It's great. I'm really happy in the area. :)

We've already had adventures like B-Dubs on Thursday after weekly planning with the Carmel Missionaries, serving at the Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis, Riley's Children's Hospital, decorating a Christmas tree in our apartment literally the very first second we walked in the door, and  the list goes on. It's been such a blast here. :) I'm so excited for Christmas and to be able to see mi familia again before coming home in a few months. That's weird to say it like that... Gonna fight to the very end!!!!! Love you all!!!! See you soon!

Sister Halverson
Sister Simmons and I

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