Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Hello Friends and Family!

This week was amazing! I loved being able to Skype my family. We had a great week. Really tried hard to build relationships and find. We went finding yesterday for 2 hours and it was great! We taught a miracle 5 lessons! We were able to make our goal of lessons taught and exceeded the zone goal of 20 by one. So it was awesome! We have a full week ahead of us and have planned 30 lessons! It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out. I know we'll be able to make it. Even if we only have a few finding lessons, we'll be able to see the area grow. I'm excited for this week. Especially on Wednesday. We're going through the Temple with a sister who was baptized a year ago in Frankfort (Sister Simmons' last area) and we are invited to go with her! It's going to be wonderful. I love going to the Temple. :)

We were invited to our investigator's house for Christmas Eve and Day. She spoiled us with cute gifts and we just had a blast. Got to talk to the family of course. Watched a part of inside out (Because we can on Christmas) and had a great time relaxing all day. It was very needed. :) I loved being able to just relax. Back to the grind then. :) This week we have New Years. (Happy Early Birthday Mom!) It's 2016? Like what?! Really? So soon?! It was just 2014! AND yesterday was 16 months in the field. O.O Say what?!?!?!?!

Time keeps going faster and faster. Don't know what to do with all of it! Haha jk. Work! And that's what we've been doing! Lot's of work. Going to keep going until the end. :) Love you all!!!!!

Sister Halverson

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