Monday, June 29, 2015

10 Months Already?!?

Hello Friends and Family!
The time has come and gone for yet another transfer! All four of us are being transferred out!!! Can you believe that?! What's even crazier is that Elder Jones is training! AGAIN! Now THAT'S crazy! Anywho.  It just seems like time is passing way too quickly! By the way, I've been out 10 months...I don't want to hit my year mark! And a month from Wednesday I'll be 20! Too much time on my hands and it's sliding away too quickly to keep a hold of it!

This week we tried really hard to find a new investigator and all week it just didn't seem to pay off. Yesterday we had about 30 minutes to tract to talk to a couple more people before the week ended, trying for that new investigator. We taught a woman named Kay briefly then went to the next house. A woman named Terry opened the door and we began talking to her about the church and our beliefs. She expressed her beliefs and that she has a lot of questions. She asked us why we're called Mormons and we taught her about the Book of Mormon and invited her to learn more! She accepted the invitation and we set up an appointment for the next Thursday! We're so excited that we found a new investigator right before we'll be double transferred out of Warsaw! It showed us how God works and has his Hand in our lives! We're excited for the new missionaries to teach her!

I'm excited to see what will happen at transfers. I feel like I'm ready to leave Warsaw. Not the people we have met but I'm ready to go on to the next adventure. I feel like we've left Warsaw better than we found it and I'm grateful for the missionaries I've been able to serve with and learn from. :) It'll be a new adventure with more chances to grow and be better and that's what I'm looking forward too the most. I'm excited to see what happens and what I can do to help the next area. Of course I can really do nothing without God. He has helped me so much. Yeah times have been hard but He's still there. If it's true to teach to others who are struggling with that acceptance and knowledge, then it's true for the people who teach that principle. I'm looking forward to the change and other things that I can accomplish. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Sister Halverson

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