Friday, December 5, 2014

Turkey Day and Killing Trainers!

Hello Friends and Family!
I wanted to get out an email last week ON Thanksgiving but unfortunately the library was closed and we aren't allowed to use member computers. So I'm writing one now! :)
Last week was a blur! We had so much to do and get ready for that I don't even remember half of what happened. I did take pictures though! The week before last was crazy busy. Sister M is getting ready to go home. So we were basically wrapping up her last two weeks and working hard. I wish I could remember more but it's been so hectic that I'm just going to move on and not worry too much about the details. It was a great week though! Full of miracles and blessings and lots of hard work! :)

This Thanksgiving was so interesting. We had three dinners and talked to everyone for ever and a half. It was fun. :) We went to the Franklin Chapel afterwards with most of the zone and hung out. We watched the Best Two Years. So funny! We also had a mission-wide conference call. It was pretty cool. And the very first ever! We talked to President about the Christmas goal we have of sharing this special message with everyone! He is the Gift! If you know what it is or have heard of it share the message with your friends! :) If you haven't go to and watch the video clip! :) It's very special and reminds us of what Christmas should really be about.
Today is kind of a hard day. I'm killing my trainer. :( She's headed home tomorrow morning and we spent the last couple of days packing her up. She was having a rough go at it so I did it for her and made sure everything would fit in her suit cases. She should be ok. But It isn't an easy transition. It's a new adventure for the both of us as she goes home to BYU Provo and moves on with life and I'll be here working hard for the Lord. :) It was fun. It was hard. It was CRAZY hard. But worth it, every second. :) So with that, I have to close for now.
Next week will have a better recounting with miracles and weekly events. I'll let you know who my new comp is as we work in...GREENWOOD! I get to stay!!!!! :D So excited.
I love you all!
Sister Halverson

Playing Munchkin on P-Day

Bob Evans again

Bob Evans. This happened after a baptism fell through. He didn't show up to the baptism and we had people there from two hours away. Our elders were very sad. They ate their cares away.

Our Christmas Tree

Peacock ornament

Beautiful skies!

Yet another obligatory "date"

Sis M and I

Angus the stray neighborhood cat.

More Indy skies! :)

Thanksgiving cards from my sister Samantha's 4th grade class

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