Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Let It Snow!

Hello Friends and Family!
Another week passes by but this time, this one begins with snow! :P Not fun. There's ice on the ground and the Elders helped scrape off our car for like twenty minutes this morning. Terrible. But it was nice that we had some help! We had breakfast at this little place called Long's Bakery. They had yeast donuts that were so amazing! I had this pumpkin cake doughnut and one I don't even remember the name of but it was so good! It had caramel frosting and peanuts and a chocolate kiss on top. Day = Made. Then we went to Mickey D's and I had white hot cocoa. Yum! So the day started off right despite the bitter chill of winter setting in. This one is supposed to be worse than last. :P Yay...
Yesterday was stake conference! It was way good! We had so many awesome speakers including President and Sister Cleveland. Sister McKendrick and I were in the choir. We sang A Child's Prayer and Come Thou Fount. I love Come Thou Fount! So that was interesting! The speakers had different groups stand. They had the families of missionaries currently serving in the stake, temple workers, and us full-time missionaries stand. It was pretty funny. We had the best seats in the house up on the stand and so when they called us we were the only two missionaries so we just stood up in front of like 500 people. Funny. It's so weird to think that there's a force of over 87,000 missionaries in the world. It's even weirder to think I'm one of them... Crazy! Reality hits you like a ton of bricks...
We had one of the coolest lessons taught last night. We had a member of the ward who is Spanish come with us to talk to our Spanish family. They sat for the better part of the hour discussing the doctrine and he asked questions left and right. I didn't know what they were saying completely but I knew EXACTLY what was being said. It was so cool. The spirit was definitely there. We got to the root of the problem and he is going to do some wrestling again. He has an earnest desire to know if this is the way God wants him to go. He wants black and white facts in the Bible but I know if he can put his trust in God and really read the Book of Mormon and have that earnest desire to pray he will receive his answer and be blessed. We know he's making the right decision and we are letting the Lord take over now.
Thursday-Saturday we worked and got in some lessons. It was great. We saw one of our progressing investigators and she is coming so much closer! We should be able to work with the nursing home and get her to church. So cool!
Wednesday we had 9 lessons! So cool!!! Total grace!
Tuesday was the preface to Wednesday. We had tons of lessons and lots of miracles.
Then Preparation Day we had lots of fun with all the Elders and Sisters together. President wants us to become more unified so we are now required to go on obligatory "dates" with the missionaries in our zones/district/areas. Super awkward. We don't have to like each other. We just have to love each other. And be best friends. But hey, if it gets us the spirit and helps us become a more unified mission then by all means I'm good to go get some food. It's an adventure.
So that is my week in a nutshell! We see the Lord's hand in every thing. It's really cool to see and have so many wonderful experiences. Everything we do is so centered on Christ. I know I've got my work cut out for me but I know that I'm not alone. Members and missionaries alike are hastening the work. There were lots of talks given on the Spirit of Elijah and family history work. There is always more work to do! Let's find our cousins! (Joke from Stake Conference. They had a song talking about family history work. Too funny.)
Anyways! I have had a lot of questions about Thanksgiving and my comp so here are the answers!
1. We will have Thanksgiving with one of the members in our ward. The Elders are going with someone else. Either way we will have dinner. :)
2. Sister M is from Highland, UT. She's dying. AKA going home in 15 days. (Dec. 2.)
3. I am doing great! Every week is a new adventure and we learn lots. I know what to do, and what not to do, and try my best with the Lord's help every day.
I love you all!!!
Sister Halverson

WE GOT A NEW OVEN!!!!!!! These are the first fruits of my labors! :) Sugar Cookies!

Snow.... Yay.......

Our obligatory breakfast date. Elder Busath is the blond one, then Elder Lorsch, Sister M, and myself. :)

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