Monday, November 10, 2014

Impromptu P-Day Dance Classes

Hello Friends and Family!
This week was quite the miracle! We had great times with less active members and are finding people to teach left and right. We're getting so much done and learning a lot! I'm so glad it's p-day today that's for sure! I'm going to run around like a headless chicken and get my energy out. I think that's the key to keeping myself sane haha. Getting a good workout in is like Manna out here. Can't tell you how many times I've been anxious and realized I needed a good work out. So there's that! I'm just going to give y'all a quick recap of the week and then a little bit more of the miracles! :)
Monday was the same as it's going to be today. Prep day and then dinner and FHE. We got the car washed and had some fun taking pictures. At the gym in the Stop 11 Chapel, this siter was giving all of the elders dance lessons. It was so funny seeing them against the wall trying to do splits! Oh! And none of them can do the worm! Go swimming! Turns out butterfly technique doubles as a killer worm move! Haha! :)
Tuesday we taught a sales man. He went on and on forever but we taught him about the Book of Mormon! HA!
Wednesday we picked up a former and are now teaching her. She has a learning disability and is trying her best to be a good grandma to her grandson whom she is adopting. (Long story) But it was cool!
Thursday we were all over the place with teaching and finding. Oh we also have weekly planning which is three hours of sitting there bored as we plan the next week. Lots of fun... But we got it done and are doing good.
Friday We had these taquitos!!!! Home made and fried!!! Thank you brother Olguin!!! So good. It was a fun day.
Saturday we helped the Relief Society with their Souper Saturday. It was a blast! We learned how to knit (or in my case tie knots) And also ate some deliciouso soup!
Yesterday was a nice rest. We taught some families, got our people to church, took the sacrament and had a lovely nap before going out to work. Great week!
The Lord has blessed our lives in so many ways! I'm so grateful to be a missionary on the Lord's errand. It's truly a blessing. I get to work with such great missionaries! And Sister M is kinda legendary! She goes home on the 2nd to Highland, UT where she is from. Crazy! I love you all! Stay warm!
I love you!
Sister Halverson

Elders doing splits?

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