Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Where Did the Last 18 Months Go?

Hello Friends and Family!

So Saturday was a very big day! 18 months ago I entered the Provo MTC as a brand new missionary. Today I'm almost done with my mission. I still have a week left (I'LL BE HOME NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!) and we've been working hard this entire week. We reached a total of thirty lessons, found a new investigator, took not one but FOUR youth tracting with us on Saturday (My 18 month mark!), and have spent a total of 2.5 months together in the land of Zion. Needless to say, we've been busy.

This week was a busy week to be honest. We had appointment after appointment and then adventure after adventure. We managed somehow to get out alive! :) Hope you all had a great week yourselves!

Monday we had another P-day and hung out at Fishers. We had awesome Japanese soup with bean noodles and tofu. It was so good! We also saw a recent convert and spent some time with her too. :) 

Tuesday Was crazy! We taught Seminary, spent time with our new investigator Judy, she has asked us to help her clean up her apartment from her cat and to help her get her life back in order. She's had a hard time with depression and clutter hoarding. So we're helping her get that taken care of. Then we had MORE service and helped Sister Neuton clean up her apartment too. Then a few more lessons later, we taught the Activity Day Girls about Joseph Smith and the First Vision as well as judged the Cub Scout Cakes. It was busy busy busy.

Wednesday, District meeting, Kina and the Fassmanns. Sister Simmons ate a Thai chili and just about died. And it also seems whenever we have dinner with the Fassmanns, the Thompsons are also there. It's too funny. :) We've had dinner with the Fassmann 3 individual times! Too funny.

Thursday was Judy Ellis and Nicole and the Johnson and the Bullock family. We love this area! Pretty uneventful on Thursday.

Friday was an adventure. I had my departing interview scheduled for Friday but they moved it and I never got the text so we drive to Fishers and it's not until 15 minutes after the scheduled time before we realize there was no interview. So we drove 14 miles for nothing. Well, actually we went to Panda Express. :) It wasn't worth the calories lol. :)

Saturday we had a stake youth exchange and we had 4 sisters join us on Saturday and had a ton of fun with them and taught quite a few lessons with them! It was a great experience. We tried our hardest and we have been doing the best we can. It was a great day. :) We spent time with Carla and President Hansen's family for dinner. Enchiladas! :)

Sunday we hit 30 lessons for the week total! WOO HOO! Had Alfredo with Nicole and her family and spent more time with Michelle and Aaron Huff! So much fun! :) I love their cat Spookie. She's too much fun and weirdly enough doesn't give me a reaction. Or Michelle who is REALLY allergic to cats. TI's so funny. She's really talkative.

We found a new investigator named Ryan! It was on the day we went out with the youth! It was so cool. and apparently every time Sister Simmons goes on splits she get the new investigator. just makes me laugh. We're going to meet with him this Saturday. I'm excited!

I go home really soon and it's so bizarre to think I've been out for 18 months! Time has flown by and I can see all the good and the positive things I've learned from each area and companion. Each lesson was unique and I know Heavenly Father had His hand in my life. He still does of course. It just made me more aware of how much He actually is there.

I've been grateful for the time I got to spend with these wonderful people in Zionsville. Even though there have been things here or there that haven't been the greatest we've been able to get through it. I feel like we've been able to do and see a lot here. We're hoping Nicole will be baptized soon. Or at least get her husbands permission. She just wants it. We're hoping a miracle happens this week.

I'm ready for whatever life throws at me I feel like. With only a few days left I think I can take on anything now. :)

Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson


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