Monday, March 7, 2016

This Isn't The End...

Hello Friends and Family!

Well...Who would have thought it would ever come to this day?? I swear when I first started I had forever left and now? Days. In TWO days, to be exact. That, my friends, is insane. I cannot believe that after all this time I'll be on a flight home headed for Salt Lake by this time on Wednesday.

It's been with mixed emotions that I've completed this week. I don't have a planner anymore. That's not ok. I soon won't have a name tag, which is not ok. (I waited 5 months for it!) And I've been able to see some amazing people come unto Jesus Christ, to make that commitment and come to the waters of baptism. That is totally ok! I'm so grateful I was called to serve as an Indy Missionary. I never would have thought it would be this kind of ride but man, it was worth the 18 months.

In a grand final review, my mission in a nutshell included 11 companions including the MTC, 6 areas ranging from 6 weeks to 4 1/2 months, and tons of miracles that the Hand of God was willing to give to us as we worked and did all those things that He needed us to do.

Greenwood: 4 1/2 Months, McKendrick and Bulman

Seymour: 6 Weeks, Hofheins

Warsaw: 4 1/2 Months, Bradshaw, Hathcock

Crawfordsville: 3 Months, Anderson

Fishers: 3 Months, Munoz and Thalman, Eralie

Zionsville: 3 Months, Simmons

I feel like it's the hardest thing trying to write out how you felt about the last 18 months of your life when you've been so close to Heavenly Father and are helping Him in His plan to bring Souls unto Him.  I mean I feel like I can catch a glimpse of parenthood because of it.  Spending all this time taking care of people and loving them as well as hoping to see them go places, being disappointed when they say no or push you away, being overcome with love as they take the steps into the font and are baptized then confirmed at church.  I've seen and been to a lot of baptisms.  So many people have followed Christ into the True and Everlasting Church.  I'm so happy to be one of those people and to help my loved ones see that too.

Bobbie, Jesse, Mike, Carl, Michelle, Dave, Vikki.  The list doesn't stop there.  I learned recently that Mike's family in the Philippines is taking the discussions.  Jesse is doing great.  Carl is getting sealed to his girlfriend this October and they're getting civilly married this summer.  Seeing all of these things happen is incredible.  Simply incredible. 

When looking back at it, there were a TON of ups and downs. Hardships, heartaches, and difficulties were not few. Seeing the miracles of Christ help others in their life, or even just adding to the light they already have were many. I've made friends and had opportunities I don't think I ever would have had had I not served a mission. I'm grateful for the experience and for the chance to come to know my Savior a little more. When I was in the MTC someone once said it was My Time with Christ. I can see now how true that statement is. My Savior has helped me see so much and open my view of the world and how merciful the Lord truly is. 

I just think by the end of this I've learned life lessons and values I've been lacking. All these life lessons, all these spiritual lessons, all of these things that happen when you're a missionary.

It truly is incredible. This has been one of the hardest weeks of my mission. It was so hard saying goodbye to the people I've come to love. I'm excited to add them on Social Media, of course, but it will never be the same. I know Indiana is a stone's throw away and I'm grateful to be so darn close to home and have the opportunity to come out whenever I want. It's not going to be the same without the tag. I know it's only temporary to feel like this and I'm going to miss Indy a ton. I'm going to miss everyone so much and to know the people I knew and helped, it's just incredible. I made a ton of friends and have now three bridesmaids for my wedding one day. :) It's been incredible. I'm ready. Let's do this.

I know that this Church is True. It is the Church of God and I've come to know my Savior more through it. I know His love for me and He would go through the Atonement again if only for me. He would do it again for you, if only you. That's how much He loves us. I'm so grateful to know of His love. I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. I know he translated the Book of Mormon through the power of Heavenly Father and Because of Jesus Christ. I know these things are true and if you are struggling, kneel down and pray. I've seen how it helps and affects me. I know it can help you too. I know by the power of the Holy Ghost you can come to know that these things are true too. I love you all and know Heavenly Father does too. :)

In the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Monday: played sports, hung out, said tons of goodbyes.
Tuesday: Had dinner with the Bullocks! Departing Interview with President Cleveland :(, preparing for life.
Wednesday - Sunday was a blur of people and seeing them and saying good bye. I made wonderful friends here. I will miss Indy. But I'm coming home and I can ALWAYS come back. :)

It's not about point A to point B. It's about the Journey. And boy oh boy was this a journey. :) Love you all. See you Soon.

Sister Halverson

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