Friday, February 26, 2016

That Moment When it's Warmer in Indy than Utah

Hello Friends and Family!

We had a BUSY week this week! Meeting after meeting and the Temple both on Friday for us (Endowment) and the Saturday for Recent Converts. :) It's been a wonderfully busy week. We've been trying really hard to work and to do those things we know we need to be doing. :) So we've been working hard with the members as well as our members. We're spending a ton of time with them and have been utilizing our clubhouse gym in the complex. It's been really good for us! I feel like I'll be able to have a good system set up to just be healthier. :)

Monday was a great Preparation day! I played soccer and volleyball with the other Elders and Sisters in the Zone. I AM the oldest sister in the Zone. :) Haha it's so weird. And Since I never trained, I'm considered the Great Aunt of the zone. It's really really funny. :) Hahaha.

Tuesday was a lot of work as we went out and about trying to find our members and have a lesson with them. :)

Wednesday was Zone Conference all say long. It was great! :) Received a lot of revelation for myself as a missionary and what I need to do when I get home. It was great. We got out at like 5:30 but it was still great!

Thursday was weekly planning as per the usual. We had a great day of visiting and working. Not much to report for Thursday.

Friday sister Simmons and I went to the Temple!!!! It was so cool being able to do family names again. I have one left and I can do the work for her! I also found out that I have a card where I can quick do initiatories and then go through for her for my temple visit with the missionaries I'm going home with. I'm so excited. We went to Sheridan on Friday and had a ton of fun meeting with a less active sister who can't attend because of health problems. It's rather sad but it's worth it to go see her. :)

Saturday we had a Ladies Brunch at the Branch Building. It was so much fun! We had basically our entire teaching pool in the room and most were sitting at our table! It was too funny. :) We also had the mission wide temple day! I had two recent converts help with the family names I had. 10 names were baptized and confirmed this weekend. It was wonderful. Sister Simmons and I got to do some confirmations too! It's always so cool when they lay their hands on your head for someone else. It was amazing. It always is. :)

Sunday was nice to be in Church and to go visit others. We went tracting for a bit, met with some less actives and toured a big church called Traders Point. This Church is the BIGGEST MEGA CHURCH I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! It has a STADIUM wit's so big!! Non-denominational churches have worship concerts and they play really good music about the Lord but it just is lacking something. It's just more and more testifying of how badly we truly need the Priesthood in our lives.

It was a good week this week! We were swamped which honestly kept us really busy. It's been good to stay busy. We deep cleaned this morning and are planning on sending all of the junky stuff we don't use to Goodwill where it will go to good use. I'm really happy we're getting rid of things and dejunking. I found over 20 church books that no one was using and will be giving them back to the Zionsville branch. It'll be a good thing to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I'm excited to have it be open. :)

We have been working hard and our Less Active Family the Bullocks have come to Church for three weeks in a row now. :) It's been amazing! I'm going to be SO SAD to leave them. And Nicole. I feel like we're trying to break through to her and we just need to find something that will help her make that leap and do it. She wants to be baptized. All we need to do now is help her make that solid decision. :) To have her on date before the next set of missionaries get here would be a dream come true. :)

It's been a really good week. Super busy but all in all, awesome. :)

Love and miss you all!!!!!!!
Sister Halverson

Oh yeah, Last week was SNOWY and cold and awful. But now? It's sunny and warm. Talk about Bipolar. :)

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