Monday, February 8, 2016

Superbowl and Super Lessons!

Hello Friends and Family!

It's been a great week this week! We've been out tracting more which is good! Found a new investigator from contacting a referral, and have had some SOLID lessons. :) It's been wonderful seeing the work progress. OH YEAH! We had quite the miracle last Sunday. A less active family that hadn't been to church in years came to Church not yesterday but last Sunday! It was amazing! The Bullock family is from Canada and have been meeting with us for a little bit. We love them so so much and they're really happy to have us over as well. It's been wonderful getting to know them and sharing the Gospel with them too. It's making a difference and you can see it. :) I love this area.

We're trying to work with the members a little more.  Get them involved with everything we're doing. Reaching out more. It's been an uphill climb but things are going places. :) We're so excited to work and work and work. We hit 30 lessons this week! We're pushing ourselves harder and hoping that this week will turn out even better!

The Superbowl was yesterday! Woo! Who won? My vote is the Broncos. Haha jk. Someone told us the Broncos won. :) Super cool! It'll be weird to watch it next year when I'm home. Bleh. Not thinking about it.

We're doing great! We've taught many wonderful lessons and have had seeds planted. It's been wonderful to get out and about in our lovely 50 degree weather. Yep. 50's. It's supposed to snow tomorrow and today and then get really cold but I don't believe it anymore. It's been weird. All the snow melted and it's getting green. And lighter! Woo!!!!! It means summer and spring is coming!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! no more cold winter nights! No more icky! Yay! Makes me happy. :)

But I hope you all have a wonderful day! I love you tons! See you in a months! O.O Crazy.....

Sister Halverson

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