Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where Did Last Week Go?

Hello Friends and Family!
We had a great week this week! We've been tracting more and have found a new investigator named Melissa. She's a sweet lady with four small children. We found her while tracting in a member's neighborhood. She just moved from Avon and has been talking with her husband to find a church. We have an appointment with her this week. :)

Nicole went to the Hospital yesterday morning. They think she has some internal bleeding. So she was admitted last night and we got to go see her. It was sad. hospitals aren't the funnest place when you're a patient. Which is why I'm going to be a nurse. To make it better and help others feel peace and comfort.

I've also started My Plan. It makes it easy to see everything in perspective but at the same time I had a plan from the very beginning. Sure things have been subject to change but I still have a desire to serve the Lord and to feel the Spirit more in my life especially after I go home. It's been interesting to say the least. Exciting though!

This week has been very busy. I can't believe it went by so fast! Time is free-falling and it's just getting faster and faster. I can't believe it's my last 6 weeks. Just yesterday it feels like I started my first 6! Crazy. But it's been worth it. I just hope I'll be able to remember all the lessons I've learned and all the friendships I've made. It has been an incredible journey. Good thing there's 6 weeks left! :) Sister Simmons and I are just getting started. :)

Sister HalversonInline image 2
Oh yeah. I cut my hair. :)
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Hoosiers like making shapes out of their tree lights. Can you guess what this looks like?

Love you all!

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