Monday, January 11, 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside ~

Hello Friends and Family!

It's really cold today. We got hammered with snow Saturday night and woke up to frozen cars. It's about time Winter caught up! So looks like it'll be snowing most of the time from now on. Which is totally ok with me. It just means we'll have to keep warm and work on planning TONS of lessons. :) This week was good. We had Zone meeting in the Crossroads building which is in downtown Indy. It was kinda sketchy driving down there but we made it safe! Had to hide everything but it just made me giggle. Haha. It was a wonderful meeting. We had the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders give very good trainings on the importance of having Members with us at lessons. And the Faith-Diligence-Obedience triangle formula for our work as missionaries. The three together lead toward solid work. Two cannot be without one and one cannot be without two. It was very nice. Really long and they didn't even come to lunch with us so it was basically everyone else minus three sets. We had Wendy's. :)

We had an interesting week this week but I feel like everything is still going great. We had a very successful day on Saturday and really put ourselves to the test. At dinners throughout the week though the members kept implying that Zionsville is the last place people are "dumped" when there's no place left. Quite frankly it bothered both Sister Simmons and I because we KNOW otherwise. We just swept past it and are continuing to move forward. I'm grateful for the gift of repentance and being able to be forgiven of pride and mistakes we've made as well as being able to forgive ourselves and others. I feel like I can move forward and just do the best I can to be a better more loving person. We're still working hard in the area. Elder Sinclair's daughter came home from her mission two weeks ago and she's chomping at the bit to go tracting with us. So we will designate a time this week and take her with us. :) I'm so excited to get her involved with the work. We are still trying to find and are making solid plans to bring more members to the lessons we do have with our investigators. We're working very hard.

I feel so accomplished with the work that we're doing because we're trying to show the area how much we truly care about it. I want to leave Zionsville better than I found it. I feel like that's what I've done in all of my past areas. Leave them better than I found them. It hasn't been easy but I feel like it's been worth every single door knocked. I made a list in my journal of all the good I've been able to see in every single area. I love how I feel like I've been able to be the difference between the members and the work. Most importantly I feel I've been the one who has changed the most since serving a mission. I feel happier. I know I've had my down moments and sometimes they felt too heavy to keep going but I feel blessed knowing the Lord is busy working along side me. We're representatives of HIS Church and HIS Gospel. This isn't the Gospel of Man. It is the Lord's Church once again established here upon the earth. :) It's been good to see especially as my mission draws to a close. It's been one heck of a ride and I'm so thankful for it. :)

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Love you all!
Sister Halverson

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