Tuesday, January 26, 2016

We Nearly Froze To Death...

Hello Friends and Family!

Like the title says, we nearly froze this week. It's been really cold. Like 9 or 11 degrees. Plus it has this bitter wind... Not very pleasant. Good thing we have hand warmers and golf balls. Golf balls make it so we can knock and not have to take off our gloves. It's really really nice to have actually. :) 

This week we found a new investigator named Ron! Sister Simmons met him on Exchanges this week and we've taught him the Restoration so far. He wants to move to Utah to rock climb and hang out. He feels Utah is very happy and he wants to be there. So we're working with him and he's great. :)

It's been a good week this week. Not much to report. Just doing what I can and we're working hard. :) Exchanges were great! I went to Crossroads with Sister Smith and we tracted for a good 2 hours. It was fun and worth while. We found them 3 new investigators as well as a Less Active Sister who they had never met before. She was a sweetest thing. I hope they can go back and visit with her.

Our Branch Mission Leader decided to reinstate a plan that will help get members more involved with us and we can work with them hand in hand. It gives members a chance to do something missionary minded and involve us. There's a list of things they can choose from or get creative. It's going to be great. We will contact the first family tonight. :) We tried yesterday but they didn't answer. So we'll try again. :)

That's about it! Going out and working. Nothing very spectacular but still important. :)

Sister Halverson

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