Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where Did Last Week Go?

Hello Friends and Family!
We had a great week this week! We've been tracting more and have found a new investigator named Melissa. She's a sweet lady with four small children. We found her while tracting in a member's neighborhood. She just moved from Avon and has been talking with her husband to find a church. We have an appointment with her this week. :)

Nicole went to the Hospital yesterday morning. They think she has some internal bleeding. So she was admitted last night and we got to go see her. It was sad. hospitals aren't the funnest place when you're a patient. Which is why I'm going to be a nurse. To make it better and help others feel peace and comfort.

I've also started My Plan. It makes it easy to see everything in perspective but at the same time I had a plan from the very beginning. Sure things have been subject to change but I still have a desire to serve the Lord and to feel the Spirit more in my life especially after I go home. It's been interesting to say the least. Exciting though!

This week has been very busy. I can't believe it went by so fast! Time is free-falling and it's just getting faster and faster. I can't believe it's my last 6 weeks. Just yesterday it feels like I started my first 6! Crazy. But it's been worth it. I just hope I'll be able to remember all the lessons I've learned and all the friendships I've made. It has been an incredible journey. Good thing there's 6 weeks left! :) Sister Simmons and I are just getting started. :)

Sister HalversonInline image 2
Oh yeah. I cut my hair. :)
Inline image 3
Hoosiers like making shapes out of their tree lights. Can you guess what this looks like?

Love you all!

We Nearly Froze To Death...

Hello Friends and Family!

Like the title says, we nearly froze this week. It's been really cold. Like 9 or 11 degrees. Plus it has this bitter wind... Not very pleasant. Good thing we have hand warmers and golf balls. Golf balls make it so we can knock and not have to take off our gloves. It's really really nice to have actually. :) 

This week we found a new investigator named Ron! Sister Simmons met him on Exchanges this week and we've taught him the Restoration so far. He wants to move to Utah to rock climb and hang out. He feels Utah is very happy and he wants to be there. So we're working with him and he's great. :)

It's been a good week this week. Not much to report. Just doing what I can and we're working hard. :) Exchanges were great! I went to Crossroads with Sister Smith and we tracted for a good 2 hours. It was fun and worth while. We found them 3 new investigators as well as a Less Active Sister who they had never met before. She was a sweetest thing. I hope they can go back and visit with her.

Our Branch Mission Leader decided to reinstate a plan that will help get members more involved with us and we can work with them hand in hand. It gives members a chance to do something missionary minded and involve us. There's a list of things they can choose from or get creative. It's going to be great. We will contact the first family tonight. :) We tried yesterday but they didn't answer. So we'll try again. :)

That's about it! Going out and working. Nothing very spectacular but still important. :)

Sister Halverson

Monday, January 11, 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside ~

Hello Friends and Family!

It's really cold today. We got hammered with snow Saturday night and woke up to frozen cars. It's about time Winter caught up! So looks like it'll be snowing most of the time from now on. Which is totally ok with me. It just means we'll have to keep warm and work on planning TONS of lessons. :) This week was good. We had Zone meeting in the Crossroads building which is in downtown Indy. It was kinda sketchy driving down there but we made it safe! Had to hide everything but it just made me giggle. Haha. It was a wonderful meeting. We had the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders give very good trainings on the importance of having Members with us at lessons. And the Faith-Diligence-Obedience triangle formula for our work as missionaries. The three together lead toward solid work. Two cannot be without one and one cannot be without two. It was very nice. Really long and they didn't even come to lunch with us so it was basically everyone else minus three sets. We had Wendy's. :)

We had an interesting week this week but I feel like everything is still going great. We had a very successful day on Saturday and really put ourselves to the test. At dinners throughout the week though the members kept implying that Zionsville is the last place people are "dumped" when there's no place left. Quite frankly it bothered both Sister Simmons and I because we KNOW otherwise. We just swept past it and are continuing to move forward. I'm grateful for the gift of repentance and being able to be forgiven of pride and mistakes we've made as well as being able to forgive ourselves and others. I feel like I can move forward and just do the best I can to be a better more loving person. We're still working hard in the area. Elder Sinclair's daughter came home from her mission two weeks ago and she's chomping at the bit to go tracting with us. So we will designate a time this week and take her with us. :) I'm so excited to get her involved with the work. We are still trying to find and are making solid plans to bring more members to the lessons we do have with our investigators. We're working very hard.

I feel so accomplished with the work that we're doing because we're trying to show the area how much we truly care about it. I want to leave Zionsville better than I found it. I feel like that's what I've done in all of my past areas. Leave them better than I found them. It hasn't been easy but I feel like it's been worth every single door knocked. I made a list in my journal of all the good I've been able to see in every single area. I love how I feel like I've been able to be the difference between the members and the work. Most importantly I feel I've been the one who has changed the most since serving a mission. I feel happier. I know I've had my down moments and sometimes they felt too heavy to keep going but I feel blessed knowing the Lord is busy working along side me. We're representatives of HIS Church and HIS Gospel. This isn't the Gospel of Man. It is the Lord's Church once again established here upon the earth. :) It's been good to see especially as my mission draws to a close. It's been one heck of a ride and I'm so thankful for it. :)

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Love you all!
Sister Halverson

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello Friends and Family!

This week was good! We had a ton of fun and were really sore from working out and walking a lot and playing football and Frisbee on Friday. It was a blast though! Happy New Year!!!!! :) It's been a great year so far. :) I'm really happy about it. :) Just working hard and having fun! It was a good week this week with the new year! Celebrated the usual missionary way with a box of party from Mom. :) It was so much fun. :)

Nothing special going on this week. :) We have a normal week this week. Back to work. We're trying out a new plan that we'll be taking to President if it works. Of course we won't be able to do much work on Monday because of P-Day but we'll be working with this new initiative. We call it the NBD 123. :) 1 Active Member Lesson. 2 Less Actives/Recent Convert Lessons. 3 Other Lessons (Tracting Etc.) If it really works we'll be able to share it with President and then things will get interesting for the next missionaries. It'll be cool. :)

We hung out until the new year then went to bed. New Year's eve was more of a work day and we worked hard. It was awesome. :) On Friday Morning we went to IUPUI campus and played ultimate Frisbee and the elders played football in the freezing cold. They tested the tornado siren too. IT was funny to watch all the greenies who had never heard or seen them before freak out. hahaha :) Then we went to Fishers chapel until we had to go back home around 9. :) It was so much fun but I couldn't move by the night's end hahaha. :) Oh well. Slept so soundly that night. :)

Had district meeting! Oh and I'm in the same district as when I was in Fishers. So we went up to Fishers again and hung out with the sisters there. :) It was fun! Until we came back from lunch and the tire had popped. We ran over a screw on the way to the Fishers apartment. Dad you'd be so proud! I changed the tire. :) Hahaha I put on the donut and the sisters were astounded I could change the tire. It was so funny!

We've decided to try out something new for the area. Not sure how well it's going to work but we want to experiment with it to see how things go. We're both excited. We feel like it's going to change up the work in Zionsville. :) We were on our way to a lesson yesterday and a recent convert texted us asking if we could come over later last night and teach her son! It was the first time he had been to church I believe and he LOVED Gospel Principles! We were really excited to see what we could do for him. He's 13 years old and so excited about going to church next week! Also Nicole came to Church! It was so exciting! She wanted to be at church for so long and finally was able to do it. She brought her two little boys with her and wants to be baptized! We're working hard with her and just working hard in general! It was so cool to see her be there. :) All in all just a great week!

Hope you all had a Happy New Year! I did for sure! It's been so much fun. We're going to do great things for my last 9 weeks on the mission. :) Love you all!!!!!!

Sister Halverson