Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Walking on the Stars!

Hello Friends and Family!

This week has been absolutely incredible. We have two baptisms this weekend and Jesse from Crawfordsville told me he is going to be baptized in December!!!!!!!!!!! I have seriously been on cloud nine this week! I tried my hardest to get up on time and I feel like I did a pretty good job of doing it. Sister Munoz helped me and it worked. I felt better all in all of the morning and I feel like we've had a pretty successful week out of it. I'm so excited to work in Fishers and I want to keep chugging along with the work. We picked up a sweetheart of an investigator who is so sincere and wants to change her life around. She needs it right now. It'll be good for her to have this kind of change in her life. It's been great to see and begin the journey with her. I know Heavenly Father put her in our path for a reason. It's going to be wonderful.

Lisa wants to be baptized as well! She wants to make sure her foundation of faith is where it needs to be and that this is what she 100% wants to do but I know she knows that this is a good path. Her daughters are starting to soften their hearts and they are going to be ok I think if their mom joins the church. I feel like she is changing so much and experiencing the healing aspect of the Atonement and having that wonderful joy and peace fill her. She has been searching for some light and has found it. I cannot wait for the day to see her receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost and become truly clean. I think that will be the day she looks forward most to as well. :)

I'm really happy here and I'm so grateful for these wonderful members. All of our investigators thus far have been given to us through the members. It's amazing. I really hope we can go out and find those in need and be able to build up a member wall and increase trust as well. I feel like we have a lot of Part Member families we could reach out to and bring to church. We're actually working with a family named Joe and Natasha Porter and they are so nice! The only problem is that he works graves and has a hard time focusing. We also have a hard time meeting with them in a time that he can have had sleep and be aware and functioning in the lesson. We have a great member fellowshipping them and we're going to work hard to bring her back to church because she is less active and they want to raise a family together in a Church. He wants to know about her church.

I have loved serving in Fishers and I'm excited to be able to continue that work. I love this ward and feel like I'm home especially with people who have been so kind to me and we have a great new bishop. It's been wonderful!
This week we also went to the temple with two recent converts/returning members and were able to see them do 10 names for my family in the temple. Ten of my ancestors were baptized and the joy I felt in that room as I watched these two wonderful sisters who I've gotten so close to was unimaginable. I loved being there to watch that sacred ordinance performed. It was amazing and so wonderful. I'm so grateful for this work and for the Spirit I have felt while I've been here in Fishers and I'll be able to stay here for a while longer to continue that work. :)

Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

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