Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Miracles for Dayzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!

Hello Friends and Family!

Miracle time! We've been helping the Elders team teach a woman who is more comfortable with Sisters teaching her. So we've been up with that and have been really coming close with her and her husband. I's been awesome.   So the other day this couple calls us and tells us that they want to be baptized and have chosen a date!!!!! The only catch is it's 6 days away on the 18th! O.O Crazy right?!?!?! We're so stoked for them! All the prayers in the world will help for Vicki and Dave!!!!! They really need it in order to make this work!!!!

We've been meeting with Carl as well! He really wants to be baptized and has been waiting so patiently for his opportunity to do so! He's been on date now for October 31 at 10 am! I'm so excited for him. It's really hard to get in contact with him because he's so busy but he is doing those things that are helping him and he's working hard with his Recent Convert girlfriend to meet the goals he's set. We're looking forward to helping him come to baptism and see him at church. :) We're also working with a sweet lady named Lisa. She's been having a hard time lately and we've been helping her feel God's love and help her with her struggling 12 year old daughter. She's been reading and we're going to meet with her again tomorrow at a member's house. :) It'll be good and it's been so good for her.

I'm doing well! we're just trying one day at a time basically. That's all I can do and that's what is working. Trying. I'm not always successful but at the least we're trying to get one lesson a day. Need to build that back up and this week we're going to hit hard. Tracting went well the other day when we went out. Many people out here are set in their faiths and that's very admirable. They're very kind and we get to have really good conversations with them. I'm just praying Heavenly Father will soften their hearts to our message. That's what I want. A softer heart and happy heart to go out and do this work. Which is happening. :)

Sister Halverson

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