Saturday, March 15, 2014


So much closer! It's been a month since I've opened my papers and am almost done with all of it! Yay!!! I only have three little things left to do and then I can submit. Even if one is getting a shot. :( I hate needles.

I have issues. There, I said it. I'm sure everyone does. Mine revolve more around being a lazy introvert who likes too many guys and being lazy. But I'm making changes to my daily life and I know that if I put my mind to it, great things can be accomplished.

My best friends have gotten their calls! One leaves for Phoenix, Arizona in May and the other leaves for Albuquerque, New Mexico in June! I'm so excited for them. I honestly CANNOT wait to get my call. I can't wait to submit my papers. I can't wait to BE DONE with my papers! It's just so exciting. And they want me to go to Texas so it'll be a straight shot of Sisters in three states. But at the same time, I really want to go foreign. I learned French in high school and a new friend of mine served his mission in the West Indies French speaking. I think it'd be cool to conversate in French. :)

But I don't know. I mean, I'll go Wherever I'm sent with a happy heart because I know that's where I need to be. My dad thinks Norway (long story) my mom wants France, my sisters think stateside, I've had two dreams this far about Spanish speaking, my friends want state side, the others want foreign, and all in all? I have no idea where I'll be sent! It's gotten so out of hand that I do g have any idea or feelings as to where I will be called. He will send me wherever He needs me and that's all I know. (Hopefully French.) (:

So reason for the title. I suck at keeping promises to myself. I just really do. So I'm going to make myself ten promises I need to keep. I would do seven because it's my lucky number but I'm also OCD and need it even. :)

1. I promise to read the Book of Mormon by April 1st.
2. I promise to study harder.
3. I promise to laugh at myself every once in a while and not be so hung up on stuff.
4. I promise to think differently.
5. I promise to not be so bullheaded and stubborn. :)
6. I promise to get in shape. I've got goals here people.
7. I promise to take the time to prepare for this amazing adventure.
8. I promise to learn all the French I can because it's an awesome language.
9. I promise to keep my room clean. It's the least I can do.
10. I promise to do better each day. I'm not perfect. I will not pretend to be. I'm learning, just like everyone else, to find the path that will lead me Home one day and I plan to become perfect through Jeses Christ and His beautiful Gospel. I know this Church is true with all my heart. I know His love for me exceeds all my understanding. And I know that everyone of us is a beloved son and daughter of our Heavenly Father.

I can't wait to serve Him. :)


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