Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Um...Can Time Rewind?

Hello Friends and Family!

Time is going by way too quickly. As my mother pointed out I only have 4 more months left from today.... :P I don't know how I feel about this..... I want to stay in Indy forever. Didn't think that at the beginning of my mission...but now I've determined to stay in Indiana and live here forever. Man I love the Hoosiers. :)

Anyway, It was a great week. We're together flipping Fishers on it's head. :) Haha. We have a lot of goals and plans we want to see come to pass and we're having a ton of fun doing it. This week will be experimental and we're going to tract like mad. We decided we need to work with members and build up trust. And the way we can do that is through tracting around them, getting them involved in the different aspects of missionary work, and inviting them to share the Gospel with their Friends. I think the one way we'll be able to see and get more out of this area is as if we treat them as investigators and get them excited about Sharing the Gospel. I think it'll be a great way to shake it up and also to talk to our recent convert friends about their friends. That's another great way we can get solid investigators. It's all a big process.

Sister Eralie and I have created this plan to work harder with our members. We took our plan we had created to the Bishop and Ward Council and have asked that they make use of us as well as give us lists of names they want us to get in contact with. There are less actives and part members alike on this list. These wonderful people are in the Lord's hands and HE wants us to get in touch with them and work hard to strengthen the House. Keep the Ward strong, keep the family strong, keep the work Strong. It was a great start to a new transfer and we're going to dominate. :) I'm stoked. We still have every intention to work hard and experiment with tracting in this area. We did a bit on Wednesday and it felt phenomenal. People were open to us and kind. It was a great experience and this is how we began to formulate our plan. I'm so excited for this week and to see what kind of works we can bring to the table.

I learned a lot this week about repentance and learning to rely on the Spirit. To me it means to change. To want to become better. Not just the superficial but the super deep as well. Anything, everything is an aspect that we can change. It's a great feeling KNOWING I can be cleansed from sin and help others on their way. What does Heavenly Father ask? Live like His Son. This is how we can live like His Son. We can give our weaknesses to God in earnest prayer and hope for a better future. Don't forget the action side of things. This is our faith. If we can push ourselves to ACT and act openly, we can see the miracles unfold in our own lives. You don't have to be a missionary to see miracles. God is hyper aware of us as we seek to earnestly change. This all comes back to full circle. Hope. Have Faith. Change. Seek to be clean. Hope. Have faith. Change. Repeat.

It's a cycle. A pattern. A pattern for the welfare of God's children on the earth today, tomorrow, and in the future.
It's truly been a great week. We're having fun we're working hard. We got ukulele's and have been practicing fun songs for trainings and maybe even the Christmas conference. Lol. It'll be interesting to say the least. No idea what we're going to do but it'll be good. :) (Performing in front of 200 + Senior and FTM's? Sure! Why not!) "Why would we not brothers and sisters?" - President Cleveland. :)
The work is good. The plans are good. The time is wonderful. I'm stoked. :)

Love and miss you all!
Sister Halverson

Another gorgeous Indiana sunset

District Meeting with Sister E and me

Sister Eralie and I

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